This was probably posted before but just in case: - Soft tissue found in T-rex fossil - Mar 24, 2005
Anyone have more info from scientific sources rather than the media? This seeems to defy all I thought I knew about DNA.
by peacefulpete 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
This was probably posted before but just in case: - Soft tissue found in T-rex fossil - Mar 24, 2005
Anyone have more info from scientific sources rather than the media? This seeems to defy all I thought I knew about DNA.
very interesting reading...sounds to me like the Michael Crichton novel is alive and well....
Very cool! I find it interesting that the theory of the dinosaur bones being like bird bones seems to have some back up here.
Another site mentions the discovery of soft tissue in other recent fossil finds. Like the Santanarapter. Somehow this sinewous tissue was preserved by being completely sealed off. Still the likelyhood of any usable piece of DNA seems nill. I remeber they used a new technique to coax out a sequence from Neadrathal marrow a few hundred thousand years old, but we are now talking about fossils 100 million years old!
Pete, regarding the Neandertal DNA, thus far sequences have been recovered from at least four specimens. Reference:
It does seem incredible that they could retrieve DNA from a specimen millions of years old, but one thing that would aid in that is that mitochondrial DNA is present all over the cell - each cell contains about 500-1000 mitochondria. So they are probably aiming to find some mitochondrial DNA sequences.
Hey Bavman, how's it going? PM me if you want.
Too bad they can't clone the T-Rex, and set it free at the Bethel Headquarters. Then again, it probably wouldn't enjoy the diet of dried up, curmudgeony, crusty old men for its first meal...