Was heading back from walking my Dalmatian on a gorgeous Saturday afternoon north of Toronto when I encountered 6 Witnesses in front of my neighbor's house (Korean people who speak a little English). I encountered the group and had to ASK for the latest WT. I was given a copy and mentioned I heard that the Awake was being reduced to once a month. They asked if I wanted an Awake and I said no. I then went next door after perusing on the street the 4/1 articles. They walked away and headed to their car, which was down the block. No mention of a possible R.V., no mention of a Bible study, no mention of what/how I knew about the JWs, nothing, just a magazine recorded as placed. Damn, when I was a pioneer I would have been in the house and already studying with the long hair who asked for a magazine. How does one spell Apathy? I just did!
How does one spell Apathy?
by lawrence 8 Replies latest jw friends
Lawrence, witnesses dont make rvs or study with evil ex pioneers.
Naw your right there is no great trib in sight, we rehash cut and paste books and mag articles, we are apathetic bunch
I guess you are right there! it is evidenced by the report and lack of dynamic energy.. i had to struggle to keep up with average hours of 11 or 12 per month, but now it seems almost half of that ... I guess they were ready to go home, just having filled their time. Cetaimly did not care for your welfare as a potential
You fell outside of the "program", the program being going door-to-door and knocking on doors. People walking around outside disrupts the program and throws them off.
I speak from experience because when I was in service I hated running into people walking the neigborhood or working in their yard. The element of surprise is gone, they see you before you see them usually. All I wanted to do was sneak up quietly to the door, knock lightly, count to ten, leave an old mag (if it could be done quietly) and leave quickly. I didn't want to talk to anyone, I just wanted to get two hours in and go home.
The Witness people might have been paying attention at the meetings and realized that the current Watch Tower teaching is that the great crowd is not identified until after Armageddon and the "other sheep" are not identified either until after Armageddon and since only the "anointed" were told to preach, they might be wondering what they are doing going door to door with mass produced pulp religious literature.
How does one spell Apathy?
With a small 'a'.
the witnessess lack of urgency is to me a defineing point as how they are having a hard time convincing themselves the "end is right around the corner".
You rang?
Right on! Blondie posted on another site the other day that they had 8 people at a meeting. Wonder if that means that one day they'll be subletting Kingdom Halls for weddings and bachelor parties. 25 million watchtowers mass produced each copy, and later chucked out, talk about a paradise earth. Let them leave the trees alone, go home, and take care of their families and neighborhoods. But no, more printing presses, more trees cut down, and 25 million magazines full of lies and NEW LIGHT. Pathetic when one thinks about it.