I had a very clear dream the other night and it continues to play itself out in my mind again and again...I can recall with sharp clarity years ago when I was 12 and very much impressed with my father...he turned to me and said something I will never forget...I had asked him what he wanted...just in general and he told me that he wanted "more" he was not real clear as to what the "more" was and at the time I didnt understand but now, pushing 30, I know what he meant by that.
At the same time tho he is a jw elder and locked into a box that will NEVER allow him to achieve the ultimate fruition of what he wants. As a member of that org the one thing that has always set him apart as a person is the one thing that he will never be allowed to cultivate...the desire to learn more and to be set apart by that study and wisdom is something that he has always thrived on so it seems rather odd to me that he would do something so contradictory to who he is as a person...lol. So the statement about him wanting "more" has as much value as the air that was used to speak it...none..sigh. Ridiculous...