by Gill 6 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Gill

    I've just been discussing by PM with a good friend 'toilet issues' brought on by our JW experiences and upbringing.

    Friend has a problem with not being able to go in public toilets because of Twickenham flashbacks. I hope she doesn't mind my saying this but I think she'll understand what I'm getting at.

    My problem, was i always felt so guilt stricken whenever I even needed the toilet and was in a room with other people for any reason, school, work. This all stemed from JW upbringing where I was not allowed under any circumstances to go to the toilet during meetings as this was 'shameful' and showing 'lack of appreciation' for the non spiritual crap being served by the FCS nutters. Anyway, it led to my constantly being concerned that I even might need to go to the toilet. Crazy huh!!! All sorted now anyway, thankyou Mr Psyhiatrist! He said, 'when you gotta go, you gotta go. Bugger every one elses opinion. Just leave the room and GO!' I love that man!!!!

    Any body else got these toilet hang ups? It would be interesting to know if you were brought up as a JW and your parents felt the need to control EVERY single aspect of your life because of FDS instructions!

  • professor

    I was spanked for going too much earlier in life. Later in life I used it as an excuse to exit the KH and go to the downstairs video arcade in the same building as our KH. (Dodgeville, WI)

  • Gill

    Hey Professor! Maybe that's what they meant by 'Pummel your body, (your children's bodies) and lead it (them) as a slave!'

  • diamondblue1974
    used it as an excuse to exit the KH and go to the downstairs video arcade in the same building as our KH. (Dodgeville, WI)

    Now I am jealous, I just made the excuse to go and have a chat with a friend of mine who was on car park duties...wish I had had video arcades...that wouldve been much more fun...probably been to a lot more meetings...well at least for the song and prayer anyway....then it would be off to play Gran Turismo!!!


  • rebel8
    problem with not being able to go in public toilets because of Twickenham flashbacks

    Ok, gotta ask...what in the world is that?

  • nelly136

    years ago when the amenities were almost less than basic, they used to convert mens toilets into womens toilets at stadiums like twickenham , *toilets* were pretty scary things especially when your legs were too short for your feet to reach the floor and you were never sure which was more worrying...the thought of acrid smelling splashback, how many bums had sat there before, losing your grip and falling in, or was something living in those dark depths between the floaters and waiting to pull you in.

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    Just a few years ago the district overseer was complaining about people getting up during the meetings so much to go to the bathroom. He then told about how in the old days (I think it was in his youth) that they met in a rented hall with no bathroom facilities and the only way one could go to the bathroom was to leave the building and walk down the street where they could find a bathroom. His point was that hardly anyone left during the meeting to go to the bathroom, and therefore we could all hold it in if we really wanted to.

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