I've just been discussing by PM with a good friend 'toilet issues' brought on by our JW experiences and upbringing.
Friend has a problem with not being able to go in public toilets because of Twickenham flashbacks. I hope she doesn't mind my saying this but I think she'll understand what I'm getting at.
My problem, was i always felt so guilt stricken whenever I even needed the toilet and was in a room with other people for any reason, school, work. This all stemed from JW upbringing where I was not allowed under any circumstances to go to the toilet during meetings as this was 'shameful' and showing 'lack of appreciation' for the non spiritual crap being served by the FCS nutters. Anyway, it led to my constantly being concerned that I even might need to go to the toilet. Crazy huh!!! All sorted now anyway, thankyou Mr Psyhiatrist! He said, 'when you gotta go, you gotta go. Bugger every one elses opinion. Just leave the room and GO!' I love that man!!!!
Any body else got these toilet hang ups? It would be interesting to know if you were brought up as a JW and your parents felt the need to control EVERY single aspect of your life because of FDS instructions!