The Readers Digest

by Country_Woman 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Country_Woman

    Today I suddenly saw the similarity of the Wathtower / Awake illustrations and the illustrations in The Readers Digest publications.

    Could have been made by the same artist, (or group of artists)

    I am wondering, is The Readers Digest somehow connected to The Watchtower ?

    Anybody knows ?

  • kwintestal

    RD is outsourcing to out-of-work bethelites now the AW is down to once a month. Cash-grab for the WTS.


  • talesin

    I have felt the same way for many years! Glad I'm not the only one. ;)

    I asked my father the same question - he looked at me like I was crazy. Well, yes I am, but like a fox!.

    .... interesting, huh?


  • garybuss
  • xjw_b12

    On the other hand I learned more from reading 1 issue of the Readers Digest than all of the hundreds of Awake magazines.

  • Country_Woman

    not to mention that reading the books of Readers Digest is far more interesting.... if only for fun

  • Sweetp0985

    i love reader's digest. expecially the condensed books...found out about alot of interesting authors from those. but of course, i was cautioned that i was reading the RD too much and should have been reading the magazines and other lit. bummer....RD is much more interesting...

  • Voyager


    *** Awake! 1970 February 8 pp.21-3 Churches in Business ***

    Churches in Business

    IN RECENT years there has been growing evidence that churches are deeply involved in big business, much to the consternation of a great many people. They have invested huge sums of money in a wide variety of business enterprises. Because the profits they receive from these businesses are very often tax exempt fewer taxes come in to all levels of government. This creates a greater burden for the average taxpayer.

    An article appearing in Reader's Digest of March 1969 discussed this tax loss and said: "For federal and state governments, church-owned and church-operated businesses represent a large loss of revenue?the taxes that would be collected if the enterprises were run by competitive private industry. It is impossible to calculate the loss exactly, but responsible estimates put it at $6.5 billion a year."

    Think how much individual taxes could be reduced if these taxes were paid. This loss is just in the United States. Other countries are also losing from tax-exempt church income from businesses.


    "The United and Anglican Churches in Canada have more than 100 million dollars invested, 100 million dollars in every kind of imaginable enterprise, yes, even in some of these industries manufacturing arms and napalm to be used against human beings."

    The Vatican is the head of the Roman Catholic Church, and it too is deeply involved in big business. From its position on the Tiber River in Rome it governs a vast business empire that stretches around the world.


    The vast business holdings of the Vatican and of other religious organizations bind them inseparably with the business world. How unlike the true Christians concerning whom Jesus Christ said: "They are no part of the world"!?John 17:16.

    The religious organization that truly is serving God, in harmony with the example set by Jesus Christ, concentrates on preaching and teaching the liberating truths of his Word and does not become involved in commercial businesses. Following the Bible's instructions, it does not involve itself in "the commercial businesses of life."?2 Tim. 2:4.

  • Voyager

    Similarities in Pictures:---------Go here and see list below. When you get to the website look at (Screen 21), and other Watchtower pictures and meanings:


    Source of the Pictures of this Lesson

    Screen 1: Picture collection «ClickArt 65,000» by Broderbund, CD #4, NATFL066.JPG. Screen 2: MOLAN, Chris. In: «Forever Stories, volume 5» (BYERS, Carolyn), Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1990, p.42,43. Screen 3: Photo by MORRIS, Kevin R. «Sifting Rice in Cambodia», Rattanakiri Province, Cambodia, January 30, 1996 ( R. Morris, Image ID: IH184482). Screen 4: First picture: In: «The Watchtower» magazine (February 1, 1986), New York, Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, p.16. Second picture: Photo by MORRIS, Kevin R. «Sifting Rice in Cambodia», Rattanakiri Province, Cambodia, January 30, 1996 ( R. Morris, Image ID: IH184482). Screen 5: In: «Prophecy Seminars», Seminars Unlimited, 1989, Daniel lesson #23 («The Day of Deliverance»), p.5. Screen 6: In: «La Révélation - le grand dénouement est proche», New York, Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, 1988, p.67. Screen 7: In: «The Watchtower» magazine (June 15, 1986), Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, p.7. Picture edited by Cyberspace Ministry. Screen 8: Unknown source. Screen 9: Corbis Collection ( Screen 10: In: «The Watchtower» magazine (April 15, 1994), Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, p.8. Screen 11: In: «Uncle Arthur's Bible Book» (MAXWELL, Arthur S.), Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1968, p.378. Screen 12: In: «La Révélation - le grand dénouement est proche», New York, Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, 1988, p.167. Picture edited by Cyberspace Ministry. Screen 13: Photo by BLAIR, Jonathan. «Woman Sifting Grain», Zile, Anatolia, Turkey, August 1967 ( Blair, Image ID: JB011400). Screen 14: In: «La Sentinelle» magazine (July 1993), Pacific Press Publishing Association, front cover. Screen 15: Pictorial Archive (Near Eastern History). In: «The Watchtower» magazine (June 15, 1987), New York, Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, p.18. Screen 16: In: «La Révélation - le grand dénouement est proche», New York, Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, 1988, p.160. Picture edited by Cyberspace Ministry. Screen 17: LAUNE, Paul. In: «The Living Bible Encyclopedia in Story and Pictures, volume 7», New York, H.S. Stuttman Co. Inc., 1968, p.912-d. Screen 18: In: «The Watchtower» magazine (October 1, 1987), Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, p.18. Screen 19: In: «The Bible Story, volume 8» (MAXWELL, Arthur S.), Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1956, p.74. Screen 20: In: «The Living Bible», Holman Illustrated Edition, 1973, p.822. Screen 21: Photo by LAUNOIS, John. In: «The Reader's Digest Bible, Illustrated Edition», Reader's Digest Association Far East Ltd., 1990, p.638. Screen 22: Photo by NAVASWAN, FPG International (1993). In: «Sacred Symbols» (GIBSON, Clare), Prospero Books, 1998, p.45. Screen 23: In: «The Watchtower» magazine (April 15, 1987), Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, p.10. Screen 24: In: «The Living Bible Encyclopedia in Story and Pictures, volume 14», New York, H.S. Stuttman Co. Inc., 1968, p.1777. Screen 25: In: «Revelation Seminars», Seminars Unlimited, 1986, lesson #22 («Les Sept Fléaux de l'Apocalypse»), p.4. Screen 26: In: «Prophecy Seminars», Seminars Unlimited, 1989, Daniel lesson #23 («The Day of Deliverance»), p.5. Screen 27: In: «The Watchtower» magazine (October 1, 1985), Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, p.17. Screen 28: In: «Revelation Seminars», Seminars Unlimited, 1986, lesson #16 («Le Pays du Recommencement»), p.4. Screen 29: First picture: Unknown source. Second picture: Photo by MORRIS, Kevin R. «Sifting Rice in Cambodia», Rattanakiri Province, Cambodia, January 30, 1996 ( R. Morris, Image ID: IH184482). Third picture: Photo by BLAIR, Jonathan. «Woman Sifting Grain», Zile, Anatolia, Turkey, August 1967 ( Blair, Image ID: JB011400). Fourth picture: Photo by HOUSER, Dave G. «Hand Sifting Grains in Sack in Market», El Golea, Algeria, December, 1984 ( G. Houser, Image ID: DH006521). Screen 30: Corbis Collection ( Screen 31: STEEL, John. In: «La Sentinelle» magazine (April 1993), Pacific Press Publishing Association, p.5. Screen 32: BISHOP, Tom. «Stone strikes feet of image». In: «New Pictoral Aid For Bible Study» (BREADEN, Frank), Australian Division of Seventh-Day Adventists, 1970, chart #7. Screen 33: Picture collection «ClickArt 65,000» by Broderbund, CD #4, NATOT289.JPG.
  • Freedom Fighter
    Freedom Fighter

    Slightly off topic - What used to make me really laugh was when you got those Readers Digest prize draw documents through the post.

    Apparently our house had been 'specially selected' to enter. Yup - our house, the house two doors along, the next door neighbour, the house across the street, their neighbour, etc.....

    Did anyone ever win anything in these prize draws? And what about the free gifts with the condensed year we got a letter sealing kit, complete with lump of wax and a stamper which we could have engraved with our own family seal....very useful I'm sure you'll agree.


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