What if "GOD" was really a humanoid being, and the universe was some kind of big research project. If man can create man these days, who is to say later on he will not conquer all of life and the celestial bodies amongst us? What if someday man were to create a universe within this universe?
Look at the atom, how it is structured, and look at the universe. We would be just like electrons orbiting a single nucleus. What if we the universe was just a single atom in a bigger universe full of other atoms like ours. Chain reactions of atoms happening after one after another in a big storm of chain reactions.
Life's a big reaction, thats proven. Look at the seed, out from it sprouts huge sentinent beings, such as the tree, the mammoth whale, and the human. Out from the tree branches grow with fruits at the edge. Out from a single seed the mammoth blue whale is born. And from a single seed of semen, an advanced creature is born. A creature that is able to love, conquer, decide, contemplate, and destroy. All of this from one little seed.