What's the thing that really gets your goat? For me it's God allowing incest as a means of filling the earth. I mean, if it was good enough for them.....
God's little inconsistencies
by cheeseman 2 Replies latest jw friends
How about how God supposedly must kill the children of wicked people in order to vindicate his name. Numerous cases are mentioned in the Bible, and according to JW's, children of unbelievers will also die at Armageddon. I'm pretty sure such a 'god' doesn't deserve anyones worship.
The Leological One
What's the thing that really gets your goat? For me it's God allowing incest as a means of filling the earth. I mean, if it was good enough for them.....
I may actually have to look up the scripture relating to Lot, but I don't know that just because things happened in the Bible means that everything that happened was something God was telling people to do. Other than that, the situation was a very long time ago. I don't know when the law came about concerning incest, but in the earliest stages of Bible history, i.e. starting off with Adam and Eve, some incest was absolutely necessary up to a point.
I may be mistaken but think I remember reading that gene pools have gotten more polluted over a long period of time and may have been pure enough back then to avoid posing so much of a major problem re birth defects, etc... Just my thoughts, though admittedly I may not have the science or exact context down and may change my view in light of more thorough info.