Judaism Christianity Islam

by homme perdu 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • homme perdu
    homme perdu

    Do these religions worship the same god but in a different manner?

  • Balsam

    They are all religions that had their foundation in the Bible.

    Judism worships G_D

    Christians worship Jesus who they believe to be Jehovah come in the flesh

    Muslims worship Allah who they believe is the God of Judism

    Muslims believe that Jews and Christianity failed to worship properly and now they feel they are the only right way.

  • homme perdu
    homme perdu

    Sounds like a trinity.

  • Joyzabel

    I recommend you read Karen Armstrong's "History of God".

  • Robert K Stock
    Robert K Stock

    Jews, Muslims and Christians all spring from the same place, from the same people and with the same basic assumptions about the supernatural. All three are the children of Abraham.

  • Carmel

    Christians accept the god of Judiasm, Muslims accept the god of the Christianity and Baha'is acknowledge they are all the same. The western line of dualism that originated before Abrahamic revulsion of the multiple gods, evolved separately from the monism of the Hindu, Buddhist and Sihk religions. They all have much in common yet have evolved to become apparently separate spiritual paths. Lots to overcome.


  • the_classicist

    It would seem that they do worship the same God, its probably like the Samaritans vs. the Jews, that kind of thing. Both had different beliefs (I think), but they both worshiped the same monotheistic God.

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