I was just wondering what the statistics are since around 2000 when the internet really took hold. I know when I was going to meetings 1977-1995 DA announcements were almost unheard of and from the anecdotal evidence from this site it seems like it is commonplace.
Would most of you who still actually attend feel that there has been a significant increase in DA in the last 5-10 years or was my congregation back in the day just weird ?
I have to agree that I have known of few JWs that have DA'd themselves...mostly DF.
In the past when the WTS has revealed stats on DFing, it has been a little under 1% of the total active JWs (not the Memorial number).
This sobering truth has forcefully been brought home to us by the exclusion of over 40,000 erring individuals from fellowship with the Christian congregation during the past service year, largely because of grossly wrong conduct.
Yet, with over 41,000 disfellowshipped last year, it is clear that many brothers and sisters have neglected their spirituality.
I'm sure that more become inactive than DA or DF but that is not counted unless you examine the difference between those baptized each year and the increase in the average number of active publishers each year. There is about 100,000 or more every year MIA.