..But what's the current situation regarding the Governing Body?
Who's on it, who's the WT president now..in short, what's going on over there?
by Englishman 7 Replies latest jw friends
..But what's the current situation regarding the Governing Body?
Who's on it, who's the WT president now..in short, what's going on over there?
I "pardon" your ignorance!
Arise Sir Loin of Beef, Earl of Cloves etc etc.
u/d (of the couldn't resist class)
I think they now have a few 8 year olds in training to become anointed and become members of the GB, just to make sure the anointed class doesn't die off before armageddon comes.
Ashamed to say, but I have no idea who the current WT president is and have been wondering about that myself.
Ignorance is bliss.
try this link englishman
There are twelve idiots growing old and dying. No wait! Breaking news! The light just got brighter! "Walk to the light.....Walk to the light"
This is the most recent list I could find. I do not think there have been any further additions since then, but am not sure.
As far as what the heck is going on over there? I don't know but it can't be good!
By the way, I know they have their one obligatory black person on the governing body. Why don't they just go ahead and rename him "Token" like the black kid on South Park!
I thought that the Governing Body separated itself from the Watchtower Society. Opening the way for members of the Great Crowd to run the day to day operations and shield themselves from being liable to legal action. That way they can safely vegetate... I mean be completely occupied with overseeing the worldwide preaching work.
I thought I read in the masthead of Watchtower that Max Larson was Preisdent. Is that just the New York branch or the Pennsylvania main office corporation?
talking about vegetate, I was wondering if any of the Governing Body are in a vegetive state and if so can we remove their feeding tube..??? Jerks all of them are . Old frustrated men who have no feelings of compassion for the families of JW's. and who have made huge gaps between families because of disfellowshippings.