Can someone help me find

by jwNOT 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • jwNOT

    .........Threads that have copies of official WBTS letters and documents or anything else that may help me compose a letter to elder father. I am 32 years old and still cannot communicate to him verbally how I feel. So I am going to write it down. It will probably take me weeks to write this letter but I feel like I need to do it so that I can begin to heal.

    A week or so ago I saw a post here about how hard it is to just talk to people since we no longer have a prepared sermon. (such as for ministry school or door to door) When I read that I realized just how much my life is affected from being raised a JW. I have a terrible time expressing myself. It is difficult for me to parent my children because I am afraid of making them feel like I did as a child. My JW brother is getting married soon and I have done nothing but cry about this because I know that when he has kids that they will actually have involved grandparents.

    Anyway I would appreciate any help you can give me.

  • zman

    Iam still working on that with my parents, our conversations are more like business calls not family. I have tried to convey that Iam not going to be a little happy jw anymore and have brought up 607, blood fractions and how they treat dfed people. It did'nt make my point though just went right over his head. What part of Ohio are you from I was born and raised near Dayton. Hope it all works out. Try some of Quotes posts he has a good web site set up go to member directory and look up his posts or topics that might help

  • Swan
  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    JWnot -

    Try these sites for ideas on your letter - there is enough info to fill volumes if u want it.

    There are plenty of others. Wish you well in your endeavor. It is tricky since watchtower minds are tuned to ignore facts immediately if they threaten the organization, so tact is the key. Let us know how it goes.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    One more with all the links regarding the UN deal;


  • Frog

    Hi jwNOT, here is a post to the letter I drafted to my family only the week before last...well actually it took me many many drafts over the course of months to finally get to one I was happy with ...mine doesn't really contain any anti-WT theory as such, more just my view of the emotional aspects of our relationship.

    ...I can only recommend you take your time with it, because you may not get another chance to express yourself so freely. It will be a very good experience for you to be be able to do this for yourself. Just keep in mind that its good to pluck words/lines from another person's letter if it helps you to find the right words, but make sure your final draft is truly the way you feel.

    There's another poster's letter I think will be great for you to read...but will ask them before I presume it's ok to post the link.

    All the best with your writing, froglett xox

  • seattleniceguy

    Hello jwNOT,

    Here's a thread containing my DA letter:

    I agree with Frog regarding taking your time with the letter. I would definitely sleep on it a couple times after you've completed it as well. Good luck to you!


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