just back from a funeral of old witness friend...service was ok..mentioned her a lot...sausage rolls at local hotel...waitress is df...pretty much everybody treats her normal...followed my lead
by tijkmo 3 Replies latest jw friends
That was kind of you to treat her kindly. Sorry of the loss, enjoy your memories of your friend.
Good for you tijkmo for being decent,dong the right thing and setting a good example. Sorry to hear about the loss as well.
Most JW funerals in the US are nothing more than an info-mercial for the Tower, and very little is said about deceased. Your experience is different from the funerals I attended.
I'm sorry your friend died and your loss. You set an example the JWs couldn't ignore. I wonder how they would have treated the df-waitress if you were not there? Also, I wonder if they would have treated her differently if she wasn't there as a waitress?