When door knocking I was always a bit cheeky when people said they had their own church - I'd make some silly comment about was it in their living room - where they the pastor etc.. anyhow I do remember that after a while you kinda got to know the different type of people that the different churches attracted as below (this was only true in the UK)
General trend:
1/ Rollers in hair, slippers and print aprons (and that was just the men) - Church of England
2/ Thin old people, often with Irish accents, immaculate houses - Catholic
3/ Young, beard and glasses (guitar in hallway) - Born Again
4/ Gorgeous women , children quiet and in Sunday best, men often also in suit - JW
5/ Track suit, bum fluff, cigarette (men and women)- Atheist but believed in Nintento 64.
6/ Scruffy garden, lots of kids - LDS
7/ Trilby, old , smiling - Plymouth Brethren (the nicest bar none ppl I have ever met)
8/ Jamaican, red lipstick, very smart - Seventh Day Adventist
While of course there are no stereotypes and I'm only joking around I really got quite good at being able to predict which church, if any, people belonged to by how they behaved and looked.
Has anyone else noticed this?
"Got m' own church" -do you think types of people to go to certain churchs?
by Qcmbr 3 Replies latest jw friends
Funny you mention the stereotypes. I always would play the game with myself, or with my pioneer partner (before he was DFed for apostasy) before we would bang a door what/who would be behind the door and what their reaction would be to the message - based on neighborhood and their house(surroundings). You left a few out - witches and warlocks (they were fun with their mumbo jumbo), the "Holy Rollers" and their praying in spirit for our salvation as we spoke, and of course the dear and beloved followers of Moses, who were very religious anytime anyone mentioned God. The Orthodox loved the name Jehovah, it made them bug eyed, crazed, and a few sprinkles of Jesus name usually ended the visit. I surely don't miss waking up drunks at 9 a.m. on the weekend. Do you?
When door knocking I was always a bit cheeky when people said they had their own church - I'd make some silly comment about was it in their living room - where they the pastor etc..
Sounds like Mormons were smartasses in the ministry too. When we told them we were there to bring them 'Good News' and they said they "weren't interested".....we said, "your not interested in Good News "?
Like I said......smartasses.
I think your observations are spot on and funny!!!!!!!!!