There are so many 'used to be JW's' now I am just wondering what is causing the revolution in the organisation. Is it due to the failed prophecies, flip flopped doctrines, changing new light or is the borg squeezing the rank and file hard enough for them to realise the truth ain't the truth? Any thoughts on this?
Why so many?
by Honesty 7 Replies latest jw friends
Many feel it the invention of the internet where you can access so much information about the WT and have access to sites like this to see and feel how the org. destroys family.
i dont have a problem with the doctrines...the dates thing i can rationalise...the un and child abuse i could justfy and is wrongful disfellowshipping i cannot reconcile since these are people who did not wish to be fact went to a commitee to confess and have suffered not as a result of being imperfect but as a result of being conscientious and honest and then been crushed brutalised and discarded by an organization and friends and family that they loved and believed in.....and the gb know what is happening and refuse to act as does is losing that faith that then makes one wonder about the doctrines..dates..un..child abuse ..etc etc etc....tijkmo
This is the age of information. People aren't as gullible anymore.
Sparkplug is losing that faith that then makes one wonder about the doctrines..dates..un..child abuse ..etc etc etc...
I am a very slow learner. I think it was bumping my head on the JW door one too many times that actually knocked some consciousness into my head. The hurt led me to question all I was taught. But seeing I never paid any attention to all the dates and such anyways, for me it was just the basic principals of being good human being that led me to stay away from the religious organization that holds hypocrisy up as a badge of honor and as they themselves so like to put it, "cloth themselves in a cloak of self righteousness." It amazes me now that the things taught to me as a child to look down upon others as a weakness are actually the very things I was blinded to seeing that I had learned to practice as a JW.
Our society is one of "find yourself" "your authentic you" etc etc. No more are people afraid to look behind the curtain, in fact-it is encouraged in our society, try many things, and then decide what to do with your life. Schools no longer teach by rote, they instill "critical learning". Seen the new Math books out there? My grade 5 child's has none of the ol #1-30 on each page with an example at the top of the page. They are all about "understanding" "using" "expanding on". The process behind the Math is "explored". The teacher training programs focus on "hands on learning" "active learning" "explorative learning" "cooperative learning"....etc. No more are children raised as little funnels to be filled.
Try telling your teen, "Do it because I said so". It won't work. They want reasons and answers.
Gone is the Industrial revolution, we are not in an Information age.
Yup, this is not the world for the JWs to succeed in, hence the pulling in of their walls around them. It will become essential to their survivial to keep the "evil" world out of reach of their members.....but it won't work. Jez
I think the internet has helped everyone. If you are an Ex Jo Ho in PoDunk, Iowa (population 2,500) I would imagine you would feel all alone. With the interenet now you are in a community of 1,000's and 10,000's not all alone.
Think how awfully alone people who fell away after 1975 felt? Or even earlier? 1960? 1950? They would have been all alone in their town or county.
But I also think the JW's latest insistence the past 20 years on DF'ing people who have simply quit coming has come back to haunt them. By chasing someone down who hasn't been to the meetings in 5, 10 or 15 years and trying to haul them in before a committee is just ridiculous. Makes them go from being idle non-believers to active opposers!
That's my 2 cents anyway.... -
The internet is the key. Also, I believe it has always been for every two that go in the front door,three go out the back. The internet has made a difference. I hadn't though much about the Society in years. Until I got on the www and begain doing searches to pass the time. Man you can find just about anything on here.