If Jesus' Enthronement has not yet occured and will never occur, this topc is mute. However if Jesus' Enthronement did occur according to scripture, when did it actually happen or is it yet future?
The Watchtower Society has it occuring in the year 1914 --1919, which time frame is the lynchpin for there Organizational existence. If it did not happen , then they are not representatives of Jesus.
The Gentile Times Reconsidered, chronology and Christ's Return, by Carl Olof Jonsson, suggest's that there is a date behind the date of 1914,which date, 607, once proven wrong, shatters 1914 as the time of Christ's Return.
It suggest's The Enthronement of Jesus happened after his resurrection in 33 CE.
This topic has validity only if the Bible is actually inspired of God, otherwise, secular history and chronology over - rule a book written by different groups of men in different ages for their own purposes.What do you understand about this event?