Hi--can you people please tell me things are going to get better for me and my family?
To make a long story short, a bunch of my siblings and cousins own some property that has been in escrow since January. Some people are not speaking to each other any more because they can't believe we want to get money for this sacred property that my grandparents owned and-- because we want my 53 year old pot smoking brother who does not hold down a regular job, bathe regularly or have a life, and does not pay rent, to move off the property. Meanwhile, my spouse and I work our butts off and support our kids, and pay child support for some of my step kids, and are barely putting food on the table. All our bills are overdue and my car almost got repossessed. How selfish of us to want to get our portion, about $90,000 so we can get out of debt and put food on the table!
Anyway, I may get the money at the end of May if the title company doesn't put another 60 day hold on it because one of my cousins is wacko and would not sign the paperwork. (She is schizophrenic literally)
I just need to vent. I can't pay the bills and I'm scared, and feel like I'm treading water in a vortex.
Please tell me things are going to get better. My circle of friends is small since I am pretty busy with my family and working.
Is it because I am not relying on hoover? Actually I do pray but not to hoover. I just need a sense of humor to get me through. Please send me some humor. Thanks!