paranoid android

by spider 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • spider

    Did you used to get people in your cong that were more sensitive to the demonic influences than others.Some people just used to get bad feelings about an innocious piece of music.A Tears for Fears song did it for one of my old friends.Then there are others that sense a satanic presence around inanimate objects.
    Satan was everywhere and in everything.Kate Bush was a witch - so was the girl out of fleetwood mac.Some records had secret messages that if you tilted your head and turned three times said "Worship Satan"
    There probably are such messages in metal music but they used to be so paranoid it reached ridiculous levels."Don't you hear it - listen again but slow it down more"
    I heard that "earth wind and fire" asked all witnesses to leave from their concert as it messed up the energy.
    There were lots of stories like that hurling around.Personally I never took much notice but I know those that did.I remember being condemned for owning Micheal Jackson albums.That was because he turned his back on Jah.Those were the days when you could buy a Micheal Jackson album with head held high.Some people used to be stumbled by every damn thing.

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    Years ago my father gave me a teakwood letter opener from the South Pacific. It had a carving of an abstract head on it. One of the guys I pioneered with told me it was probably demonized and was causing me to think about sex too much. We summarily burned it and threw it away. Guess what? That wasn't it.

    Oh well, better safe than sorry.

  • rem

    Paranoid Android - great song!

    Yeah - there were always wierdos. One of my babysitters when I was really young freaked out about our Gremlins coloring books. She threw them out on the front lawn. She was spastic. It was great fun! :)


    "Most people would rather die than think; in fact, they do so."
    ..........Bertrand Russell

  • Billygoat

    I remember my Dad not letting me listen to The Police's song "Every Breath you Take". He said it was a song coming from Satan's viewpoint. Haha! Another one was "Flashdance" by Irene Cara. I remember Dad saying, "Can't you hear the demonic rhythm?!" I still crack up over it!


  • Thirdson

    I found the best thing was to keep quiet about what you liked. I owned "Earth Wind and Fire", Kate Bush, Michael Jackson, Fleetwood Mac and Tears for Fears albums. My younger brother and sister liked more heavy metal but our parents hadn't a clue since it was "all the same" and "rubbish" to them. People see far too much in what is only blatant commercialism.

    My father-in-law cracked me up at a birthday dinner with my brother-in-law recently. BIL was relating some things about Bach he had read and how "words" were cleverly spelled out in the base melodies of some compositions. FIL replied, "does this mean if you play Bach backward you might hear 'worship Satan' or 'smoke marjuana'?"


    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

  • SlayerLayer

    Because of how ridiculous this story is, I have to tell you now that is absolutely TRUE.

    One day I received a phone call from one of my "friends". He seemed really upset. It sounded as if someone was listening in on another phone, but I wasn't sure. He said "You know how you're family had those problems with demons?" (search for one of the demon threads to read about that) I said "Uh...yeah".

    He said "Well, ever since you visited, things keep disappearing around the house. I couldn't find my keys this morning, and some milk is missing from the jug."

    I lost it. I laughed my ass off. Milk? I thought he was just kidding around with me. That's when the eavesdropper made his presence known.It was an elder. He said "Chris, demons are no laughing matter! You of all people should know that!"

    I was still laughing. At this point I thought that the elder was in on the joke as well. He was a friend of mine too.

    My continued laughter really upset them both. The elder said that obviously I was still having problems with demons and that they were influencing me.That's when I realized that they wern't kidding.

    I said "You lost your keys and drank too much milk, therefore my visit at your house must've invited demons?" The elder said that obviously we wern't getting anywhere and that we should have a meeting with the brothers.

    I said "This is really really lame" and hung up the phone. There was never any meeting. I guess the elders thought it was as ridiculous as I did. The two "brothers" never spoke to me again.


  • TweetieBird

    I remember my aunt from Texas giving me a bracelet once and my dad feared it was demonized because she consulted spirit mediums. I secretly held onto it, never got bothered (except from my mean, nasty brothers-they were the real demons, haha).

    I remember a time period when so-called demon activity was rampant around here. My husband said that when he was about 14, he bought a drum set from some people and that night was bothered by demons, so they burned the drum set the next morning. I'll have to ask him what exactly happened to make him think it was demons.

    His mom, around that same time, said she bought some face cream and that night felt a demon trying to have sex with her. I'm not kidding.

    Actually, I've had that dream before, but it turned out to be my husband having his own kind of dreams, if you get my drift.

    Personally, I think most, if not all of the demon stories that seemed to be going around at that time were nothing more than perpetuated urban legends. Don't get me wrong, in the minds of JWs they happened but I think they were subconsciously induced by other stories going around. Lets face it, the JW life can be boring, so a little demon activity spices things up.

    I could be wrong. (It's been known to happen before)

  • logical

    The simple reason for all the demons is:

    JW's CANNOT TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR OWN ACTIONS. They do something bad, cant accept they did it and blame it on the demons. Simple get-out clause... the demons did it.

    Not all JW's are the same, but it is disturbing. Why cant they just accept they are human and make mistakes?

  • bboyneko

    My father beat my mom pretty bad one night, his mistake was that everyone was home..I called the cops on his ass and he got in a lot of trouble, my JW family except for my mom are pissed I involved the secular authorities in a 'family matter' ...whatever...anyway he says that a demon made him do it..for real! I hope that he says that in a court of law..then they can have him commited to one of the United States 'high quality' mental institutions :)

    asshole, anyway haven't spoken to his ass in over 2 years.

    (he was an elder too..more evidence of the holy spirit appointing elders)

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