Hello everyone,
Many of you are aware
of the statement published in the w. 1.06.2001
page 19 § 8:
"Jehovah’s Witnesses have been blessed with increase because they have continued “seeking first the kingdom and [God’s] righ-eousness.” (Matthew 6:33) In a literal way, Isaiah’s prophecy has already seen fulfill-ment: “The little one himself will become a thousand, and the small one a mighty nation. I myself, Jehovah, shall speed it up in its own time.” (Isaiah 60:22)
And the end is not yet. Just during the past decade, the number of active proponents of Kingdom rule increased by over 1,750,000 persons. "
"8.What has been the result of Jehovah’s blessing on his people,…"
What the WTS editors failed to remind all the readers, is that during
that same decade i.e. 1991 -2000 (figures published in the yearbooks
and the watchtowers ) there have been a TOTAL of BAPTISMS,
that added to the AVERAGE PUBLISHERS for the
Year 1990, do make a GRAND TOTAL OF - POSSIBLE -
" ACTIVE PROPONENTS of Kingdom rule" (btw, please notice the
new denomination for the brothers and sisters) of:
***year 1990 average publishers……………………….3.846.311
***Tot. Baptisms 1991 -2000………………………….3.222.201
***Tot. of POSSIBLE ACT. PROP. K.R…………7.068.512
*** year 2000 average ACT. PROP. K.R. …………5.783.003 (-)
Where have they gone? All dead?
disfellowshipped, disassociated or
simply disappeared??
If mention is made, of the 1.750.000
Why NOTHING is said ,in the same
paragraph about the " missing " 1.285.509 ?
Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp