I remember talks at the "kingdom ministry" meeting. And at times, you'd hear talks (IN A PAST TENSE) about why so and so didn't make it in paradise. And they'd say dumb things like "oh, he pinoeered, he gave good talks, but he didn't make it because he was a drinker." Or something dumb like that. They'd give examples of these people that "spearheaded" the ministry that set a prime example. And then because of what bad thing (Or some minor offense) and they are eternally cut off! SO WITH TALKS LIKE THAT YOU'D WONDER WHY ANYONE WOULD WANT TO BE JEHOVAH'S WITNESS! YOU'D THINK THAT JEHOVAH IS EVIL (SIC)! WHICH IS DEFINETLY NOT TRUE! Do any of you remember in typical cult talks like that? They even tell people not to go beyond the scriptures! Jehovah is the judge isn't he! ...PETE'S SAKE! Maybe we should remind people on our sites not to become JW's because of this "sending [people to hell" stuff. Because that's the same sort of thing really -- Damned of not living for a whole eternity!!! SAme thing.....
What's the point of being a JW if you are not guaranteed of paradise anyway
by inquirer 9 Replies latest jw friends
It seemed like the Witness people discouraged me on purpose. They told me if I didn't do enough unpaid labor for the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation I'd be murdered by God. They told me if I did enough for the Corporation for the wrong reasons, I'd be murdered by God. They told me God would murder me if I thought the wrong thoughts.
It was very discouraging being a Witness. There were almost no positive strokes, no reassurances I was a valid person. After I left, a number of the Witness people told me that we didn't like you when you were a Witness. That was the message they were sending me. I stayed associated until I was 30. It was tough.
They made life rough for me when I was a Witness, and when I left, by God they had a plan to make life rough for me after I quit. These bastards are all bad. -
Whoa! I thought I had it bad! I should put things into perspective!
I can't help thinking of that Doom game. :) At the end this guy says "DIE, YOU IMBREDDED RENEGADE OF A WEREWOLF!" -
No wonder why I grew up with such a complex that no matter how hard I worked, it would never be good enough. All I can say is, be glad you're out of it. Hopefully, anyone reading this forum will get the hint about what this COMPANY is really about.
Freedom Fighter
This is a question I've thought about too. Most religions have a 'carrot' for their believers, be it heaven, re-incarnation or the JW paradise earth. As we know, this is not a new concept and was used by the ancient Greeks, Romans, etc., to good effect.
This invites the following questions - does this mean that people following a religion are doing it for reasons of self interest/preservation? Or - is their relationship with their God central to their faith and any 'carrots' are viewed as a bonus? As JWs are told continually that Jehovah can read their heart then surely he would see the extent of their selfishness, so in effect you would be spiritually 'rumbled'.
My own view is that you would have hoardes of people, particularly young people who would abandon the JWs, as there would be pain with no gain. From my own observations at my old KH, the majority of people appeared to be attracted to the JWs because this paradise earth would fix all their problems, illnesses etc., that they couldn't cope with in the real world. Take this cure all away and their really isn't much incentive left.
Essentially, in Watchtower-ese, being a JW gives you a chance at the lottery of eternal life ... a chance that the rest of the world will never have ... but, a chance nontheless. Good luck! - Jim W.
you'd hear talks (IN A PAST TENSE) about why so and so didn't make it in paradise. And they'd say dumb things like "oh, he pinoeered, he gave good talks, but he didn't make it because he was a drinker."
LMAO! That would mean they're be no frigging elders in the Paradise!!
This mind game used to get to me too. And then if you got to paradise it sounded like a nightmare anyway. The whole idea is so cruel. An angry god who may or may not kill you. You're damned if you think the wrong thoughts, want things for the wrong reason.
But what always got me was the fact that we have nothing to do with the fact that we are "imperfect" to start with. It's not as though we had perfection and threw it away! We are all paying for Adam and Eve's sin. We were dealt a bad hand. But it's still our fault anyway.
Doubtfully Yours
Well, to answer the subject question, I guess us people that are leading a double life are screwed out of the paradise deal.
My mother says that even if she doesn't make it to everlasting life, she's satisfied with having lived a clean and moral life now among others of like-mind. I'll go with her reasoning for today.
I've gone to non-JW gatherings of friends from work and other non-JW relatives and nothing interesting or pleasing goes on. They do a whole lot of drinking until some get out of hand and start doing offensive things, or their laughter is about dirty jokes, and there they are smoking up a storm, using obscene language and gestures. I don't enjoy myself at all at non-JW gatherings.
So, my consolation price is to live a clean and moral life among people of like-mind. That's enough for me today.
It's especially sad for people like myself who suffer from depression. I had no self-esteem as a teenager and am surprised I didn't committ suicide due to the constant negativity of the JW teachings that one was never good enough, and everything you liked, said or did was scrutinized and a possible stumbling block to someone else.
I remember being 13 years old and being afraid to laugh at a kid at school who fell over one of those round shaped garbage cans--he landed with the round part under his armpit and he cried out 'hey it's a roll-on'. Somehow in my JW mental state I thought I couldn't laugh at that like it was rude or something to joke about deodorants.
Isn't that sad that a person could not just laugh and enjoy the little things in life?