Time To Even The Score?

by Englishman 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    I had been an ex-JW for many years before I became fully aware of the injustice that had been forced upon me. So I decided to retaliate!

    Here's my first act of retaliation, a letter to a newspaper. What was / will be your way of hitting back?


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • Jeremy Bravo
    Jeremy Bravo

    Nice work, Englishman.

    How long ago was it printed?


    (edit)...shoulda read the DATE up top of the header.... DUH!

  • fodeja

    Hi E,

    Here's my first act of retaliation, a letter to a newspaper.

    I did the same about 2 years ago, in reaction to one of those cutesy "faithful Christians gather for convention" newspaper articles which appeared to be a verbatim copy of WTS press text. Said article contained claims that the WTS is trying to improve the situation of families in Europe, ensuring better protection of children and similar junk.

    I wrote a friendly letter pointing out some little-known things about the Society (view of unbelievers, no charity programs at all, shunning of dissenters, blood hypocrisy, ...). It was printed in the weekend edition of a national newspaper, along with a nice picture of the DC's audience: people with blank, tired eyes, some chatting with each other, one yawning visibly.

    What a great witness....:-)

    Other than that, I don't want to "retaliate" in any way. I just don't want them to get away with lies and half-truths.


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