When I was a Janitor
(Yadda, Yadda, I'm a Chubbie Dubbie Very Happy Dub)
All night long I'm pushing on a mop
So that I can Pioneer
When I was a Janitor
(Yabbi Dabbie I'm a Horny Dub who likes to reproduce)
I'm supporting three kids and a wife
Living in a trailer park
If I die tomorrow
(Oh my God I don't have Life Insurance or a savings plan)
Who'll support my brain-dead family
If I can't clean floors at night?
Wish I didn't work hard
(Sniffing cleaning fluids all night long are messing with my brain)
When the CO comes to visit me
I give him my hard earned cash!
God who made me just as I now am...
Such a simple guy with wrinkled hands
Would I spoil some GRAND ETERNAL PLAN?
If I weren't a janitor Maaaaannnnnn....
Yabba Dabba Dooo, I'm going to college NOW!!!!!!!!!
Wasasister/ who can picture Topol with a broom instead of a cow