One of the craziest things I ever witnessed as a JW was a funeral for an unbaptized publisher...she attended my cong. and was very quiet and softspoken...the type who never caused any trouble and who would ocassionaly comment, directly from the paragraph....nice lady with a young daughter about 11. Well one day she's driving down the road and gets hit by a Pepsi truck....(can anyone say lawsuit???) She's hospitalized and is in critical make a long story short...she's faced with the blood issue and finally gives in and accepts a transfusion and dies anyway...Ok let's one apparently knew about this except her mother....a non-JW who had studied off and on for years and the obituary appears and it's public knowledge that her funeral will be at such and such Kingdom Hall at such and such time....actually published info...well, she had TONS of non-JW family...typical of us black folk...anyway let me get to the point....apparently the day of the funeral, just some hours before in fact....the elders find out about the blood and don't want to have the funeral in the Kingdom Hall....but what are they to do???? It's been published and all these non-JW's are coming to grieve for their lost loved one!!!!!!! Well, when I got there the hearse was still out front of the KH and the casket was still in it...mind you I was running late!!!!! The elders wouldn't allow the body to come into the KH!!!!!! So she's in a casket, outside in the back of a hearse, in the dead of summer!!!! Okay, so all these "worldly" people start coming in....and by the way the funeral was delayed by two hours....elders trying to figure out what to do... Okay, so this stuffy white elder finally gets up and tries to conduct a funeral....and the family isn't that responsive...afterall...they want emotion...the majority attend black charismatic churches...well he flops...big time! Then to make it worse after his dry-ass discourse.....when people start to leave out of the hear loudddd crying....What had they done now???? They finally allowed the casket inside the KH....just barely...they had wheeled it into the foyer and pushed it up against the wall beneath the coat rack!!!!!!! Talk about complete disrespect for the dead...... I thought someone who died had been acquitted of their sins....NOT...(even though she did nothing wrong!) They had her picture sitting atop her casket....UNDER THE COAT RACK!!!!!!! Just another example of how JW's can be so completely self-righteous and wonder the family of the dead got so irrate when they were offered tracts and brochures....I overheard one say...."NO way HONEY, I don't want any of THAT!" I laughed to myself and felt sick inside that I was part of something so cruel...
The Casket Under the Coat Rack........
by soylibre 3 Replies latest jw friends
Damn! With a title like "The Casket Under the Coat Rack", I was sure it would be a Nancy Drew mystery.
Oh well, good story. Funerals gave me the heebie jeebies long before any other aspect of the religion had me wondering.
..So cold
sometimes it feels
so cold -
LOL LOL Nancy Drew.
Great story by the way.
I read Nancy Drew when I was a kid and not The Hardy Boys. Couldn't my mother catch a clue.
Ohh I read ALL the Nancy Drew books hahahah ohhh ya. I've even see the old 30's Nancy Drew movies hhahahah ohh yaaa!
"The best way to convince a fool that he is wrong, is to let him have his own way."---Josh Billings