G'day all,
How's things? Been a bit flat lately myself yet really some wonderful things have been happening. I must change to a merlot!!!
It's been good news on many fronts for us and good news on JWD with friends like alw joining us, and then there's Mulan's good news about her Mom. So we're thankful! Now what shall we muse about this weekend? Well, it seems we should get on to a different area of polling this weekend and here's the question:
How does Jehovah direct "His organisation"?
1. Sends them a letter.
2. Sends them a prophet.
3. Sends them a business manager.
4. Sends them a dream.
5. Yells!
6. Puts an ad in the papers.
7. Writes a magazine.
8. Other (please detail)
9. He doesn't!
10. Don't know.
Well, what d'ya reckon? More especially, what do the dubbies think about this?
So, settle back with a nice cuppa or glass of red and think about it a while. How does He tell them like they claim?
So, let us know what you conclude and don't forget.....
Cheers, Ozzie
Freedom means not having to wear a tie.