Just got back from picking up my kids from my ex.
He'd called me to come pick them up early as he was trying to get some work finished and our daughter was cranky and getting in the way. Not a problem, it was not his weekend to have them, he's had them to help me out.
Any way I get there and he looked terrible, realy sad and beaten.
I said he looked really bummed, he said he was and had been for a while. I asked him if he had anyone to talk to and he said no.
I really felt sorry for him, really felt like inviting him round for dinner and a bottle of wine but knew that was not a good idea.
We stood there talking for about an hour. I told him I was doing really wel and had a great bunch of friends and that I'd been to a ex JW meetup the day before, told him how great it was and how much i enjoyed it. How we did not sit around bagging the witnesess, like they're told we do, but just talking about how we felt now and how much better we were all doing.
He seemed really interested, so I just kept talking and telling him how i feel so much closer to Jehovah now and how much more at peace I am with myself I am. How I no longer believe in Armageddon as I don't think that a loving god would destroy so many nice people.
He seemed really interested, but put up the usual counter arguments. I just asked him why he said that, was it because that's what he'd been taught or that's what he truly believed. You can see for the first time he really sat back and thought. I was really pleased for him.
Also he's really lonely but is sacred of a commitment. He's had a few "worldly girls" after him but he said he doesn't wan't to get involved with them. I asked him why and he gave they usual answer. I told him i thought that was sad, just cause they are not witnesses does not mean they are bad or wicked, he might be passing up something great. He just said he was not sure.
Was really sad to see him like that, and not feel he can get help.
I'd really like to help him but I know I can't, he really needs to sort this out for himself.