Have you ever had the itch to slim down your possessions to only those that are needed?
I get it from time to time, but wonder whether it is part of my neurosis.
The itch of the ascetic
by El blanko 9 Replies latest jw friends
El blanko
Actually, the closer to "re-retiring" I get the fewer material things I want. Planning a lot of travel and time to explore the planet makes one realize how much a dog, cat, several fish and thousands of plants weight you down. If only I could do without this huge house and the lawn to mow....and of course three cars..
El blanko
I've been through this phase twice before and have trashed stuff.
It is liberating, but I fear with me, out of balance.
I live a fairly spartan existance anyway. The only think I covet is my library. It broke my heart to leave my library of WTS books, when I separated. I've since been attempting to make up for it (Thanks gawd for eBay and Amazon!!!).
LT, of the "book luvvin" class
Out of a haunting sense of incompleteness, we often acquire far, far more than we need. Personally I would be more concerned about gathering too much stuff than letting go of it.
If we are quietly present with what life is presenting, rather than lost in the story the mind chronically lays out, there is a lightness to being, and little beyond a little food, water and shelter that we really do need.
That said, you seem deeply concerned about something E. B.. What's up with that?
j -
La Capra
I do that too, not every week, or month, but probably every year. I have yet to regret getting rid of anything. I almost got rid of an old "word processor" (Canon Starwriter from the late 80s, early 90s). It didn't sell at the garage sale, and I opted not to take it to charity. I ended up using it on a few law school exams before they started letting us use our laptops. Saved my butt (and got me some high scores).
But if you feel like you might be off balance, go slow. Try this (I think this came from Suze Orman). Find ten things that are no longer of use to you, or to anyone else, and just throw them away. Then find ten things that are no use to you, but someone else could use, and take them to charity. You can do this once, probably painlessly, and see if that's enough of a taste for paring down your existence. If not, try it a few more times. (Suze's theory is that when you see how much money you have spent on useless crap, you will stop spending so much.)
I like not having a lot of crap around. It allows me to focus on my current deal and spread it out as necessary.
Now you got me itching to pare down. It'll have to wait until I finish my last final for this year of law school this Wednesday night (one down, one to go). I think I better cancel my plans for next weekend so I can join you in being off-balance. Have fun de-nesting-I really recommend it!
(I still take my starwriter to law school exams, as my back up in case my laptop crashes)
El Blanko,
I think I get that itch at least once per year, to the extreme, although I haven't often acted upon it (at least not to any great degree). In fact, I'm going through that now. I get to feeling so bogged down by stuff.
Sometimes I have even made lists trying to figure out the bare minimum of stuff I would need in order to survive (physically and psychologically).
I remember living in one small bedroom I rented for a while, with only a sleeping bag on the floor, my clothes, personal care items, books, a cactus, some pencils and pens, sketchbook, journal, and a small woodcarving. After a while I couldn't even remember what was in the boxes I had put in storage and didn't miss what I didn't have access to a bit.
Of course, later I was glad to rediscover the photos and family mementos I had tucked away. So, in addition to the good ideas Shoshana offered, maybe you could pack some of the stuff away you are thinking of getting rid of and see how much of it you need or want later on.
One of my dilemmas right now, however, is trying to figure out what to do with the stuff I have packed away. Do I REALLY need it?
I'm not helping, am I? sorry...
~Merry (of the good-intentions-gone-awry-class)
El blanko
Thanks for the replies guys.
I'm ok, really, it's this urge to live in a hut with a radio and a few books I get from time to time.
I think I'm avoiding a few issues at the moment so my mind flips into "trying to control" my environment mode.
I just find it interesting I suppose and wondered if anybody here had the same experience - it seems so!
Regarding methods to control it, in the past I have given stuff to charity, given stuff to friends, boxed stuff up and stored it away.
I used to work in the IT industry and had so many freebies, at that stage in my life I got to saturation point and had to give heaps of hardware and software away + Ebay of course
Another dimension to this tale is despair. Despair at the society around me. Its just consume, consume, consume with heaps of waste on top of that. I resent within myself going along with this.
If we are quietly present with what life is presenting, rather than lost in the story the mind chronically lays out, there is a lightness to being, and little beyond a little food, water and shelter that we really do need.
Yes, I agree. Isn't it vile the way the mind constructs a self image that includes many, many wants!
to slim down your possessions
Woult be very wise to do - but it seems I never succeed...
Can't let little things just "go" or throw them away.
Only when there is someone who collects items I have.... then, I often give those items away. Seems that my stuff have to go to someone who appriciate it.....
At the moment, an old lady is "cleaning-up", bringing a lot of HER belongings to me - now that is something I can part with - along with alll the n ew goodies I get......
I actually do have it from time to time, but possibly for a different reason.
I have lived in the same town all my life, and for various reasons have been unable to move away (long story). I hate this area and have always wanted to move. (The job market is sparse and we have winter-like weather for 6 months of the year.) Whenever I feel like I've gathered too much stuff, I feel trapped somehow...as if it's going to be a barrier to me getting outta here...even though I know it's mostly illogical....I get a strong urge to get rid of everything.
It may partially be a throwback to my JW brainwashing during childhood...being told time and again how "material possessions" tie a person down.
Spring gives me the urge to downsize, too!