Gumby where`s our Sunday school study?

by vitty 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • vitty


    Im so bored today and your sunday school study was so funny.

    Please do one--pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    What about doing one in Balaam and the talking donkey?

  • under74

    Gumby's probably drunk and passed out somewhere talking in his sleep in somekind of hobo dialect...he's in no state to teach a sunday school. Think about the kids for god's sake.

  • vitty

    Actually I did forget about the time difference, he could be fast asleep!

  • vitty

    Why are there no posts on friends????????

  • Satanus

    I heard that gumoses was taken up to the heavenly mount zion for 40 days and 40 tokes. I imagine that he will be settling back to earth when it wears off, face shining new light.


  • under74

    Told you he was too drunk. He's so drunk he's even seeing the image of Jesus in ink blots...I tried to tell him it was Grizzly Adams but he's too drunk (and you know how he gets all religious when he's drunk) to listen.

  • Rod P
    Rod P

    Aw, Gumby's either playing hookie, or else he's stuck on the mount of "Transfiguration". I told him to quit persecuting Jesus, so now maybe he's being stricken with "speechlessness", just like John the Baptist's dad was for several months.

    Maybe the Ol' Fart just can't keep pace with all these young whippersnappers. He just didn't realize the responsibility he was taking on when he donned his new outfit (i.e. that red Cardinal suit"). It's a good thing it's a rental, so at least he can return it without paying an arm and a leg for only a couple of Sundays. Sheeesh! I thought he would have stuck it out a little longer than that!

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