Hi there, I was wondering if any of you who have experience with the Mormons know anything about the Reorganised Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. How are they similar and how do they differ? I was told by a relative who grew up attending the Reorganised Church of Latter Day Saints that they broke off over some differences, but I don't know what they were. Thanks in advance if you can help:)
A Question for anyone familiar with Mormons and RCLDS
by Cicatrix 7 Replies latest jw friends
Robert K Stock
The short answer is that the RLDS looked to Joseph Smith's son as the leader and set up shop in Independence. Mo. while the LDS followed Brigham Young to Utah.
Double Edge
I remember reading that the RCLDS have also broken up into other factions.... hmmmm. I'll google it.
Double Edge
The Reorganized church is now called The Community of Christ....
here's some background...
Their both bogus. Anyone who starts a church and claims they have/had a special privledge by being chosen as a vessel for the Lord to dispense "true teachings" to mankind........needs his ass kicked right outta dodge and have rotten goose eggs thrown at the psyco bastard!
Thanks Everyone, I'll check out that site. Gumby-I'm not looking into joining. Just trying to figure out if involvement in that religion by close family members had anything to do with the way I was raised:) I have to look into the Masons, too. Seems my family is very alternative religion oriented, lol.
Robert K Stock
My great uncle was a very active Mason. He told me that it was not just an angry mob that killed Joseph Smith, but an organized hit by the Masons. Smith had been a Mason and was accused of divulging Mason secrets to non Masons. This may be false but my uncle believed it to be true.
Double Edge
He told me that it was not just an angry mob that killed Joseph Smith, but an organized hit by the Masons. Smith had been a Mason and was accused of divulging Mason secrets to non Masons.
Wow, tough crowd. *** note to self..... don't join the masons***