Calling all retail workers...we all have hooror stories...what are some of yours? Spare no detail!
Retail Workers - Share your horror stories!
by Lostreality 3 Replies latest jw friends
I have worked retail most of my adult life.........I was selling furniture.
This couple comes in and picks out about $6,000.00 worth of furniture and a big screen TV (Hitachi)
We go to close the sale and he goes out to his vehicle and comes back with a paper bag.
You paying with cash?
Yes, he says.
So I have to go into the main office at the conference table and count this money out mostly
twenties!!!!!!!!! I am cracking up and say to him........What is this DRUG MONEY!!!???? just joking around.......
Well, about a year later the FBI and Drug task something contact us about this mans purchase, yeah he was busted for a big drug operation and all that merchandise was being confiscated.
Oh well, I have tons more, but counting out that amount of money in twenties was a trip!
I worked retail many years..
selling carpet once i sold a HUGE House.(4000 sq ft) construction, a womans dream house, she paid 27 bux a yard for first quality goods with the warranty.. thats what i sold her.......
the owner of the company i worked for bought seconds, i walked into the warehouse and caught the installers cutting out brown patches and plugging them with good parts of the carpet.. i raised a stink and the boss told me to shut up,thats how he made his money.and for me not to be naive, it was standard practice...
i got my check that week and he'd stiffed me 700 bux of my commision. when i confronted him he said my commision was cut because of the difficulty of the job ....
the next day, i called the woman, told her they were installing seconds and she should protest, then i quit.
as i walked out all my coworkers applauded and cheered.. i felt like norma ray ! lol
i worked at a dept store. and was one of 8 employees opening the store one sat morning... me and a coworker were turning the lights on and heard a big crash above our heads, looked up and there were legs dangling out of the cieling........ a man had hid the night before.. robbed the place... was trying to get to the mens room to sneak out once the store opened and fell thru the cieling.. BUSTED! but it scared the piss out of us lol.
Retail work has been my main bread winner, its had many ups and downs. I was managing a small boutique once when a man came in the try on some jeans as he thought we were alone in the store he casually walks out with his fly undone and not leaving too much for my imagination, asking me how he looked. Luckily my ex was sitting out the back in the lunch room waiting for me to finish my shift he walked out and the guy rushed back into the change room and quickly left. He came in a few days later but this time not only was there me but the owner of the shop and my ex he walked in saw us all there and then waslked out again. es