I was amused to watch the news about Cardinal Ratzinger's elevation to the papacy.
There was plenty of talk of 'uniting all Christians' and other sweettalk - all designed to paper
over the fact that this German Hierarch isn't popular even in his native Deuschland.
Now why would they elect such a leader? Why would they promote the "Panzer Cardinal"
who defends Catholic doctrine with such zeal?
The answer: MONEY!
The Catholic Church is still growing in poor third world countries BUT........ they aren't the
ones who dominantly support the church financially. The Catholic church is becoming weak
in the US and (especially) Europe. No matter how irrational their beliefs might be, they
can't 'reform' or change anything that would alienate the main contributors - the fanatical
faithful in the Western world. They must resist any loss of Catholic "identity" - no matter
what. So, they elect a hardline pope - and offer soft sounding platitudes to the public.
Change the word "Catholic" to "Watchtower" and the above pretty well describes
the Organization today! They must remain 'hardline' and resist change while spouting
pleasant banalities to the public. They're caught up in the same dilemma - except perhaps,
that the Catholic church has had the good sense to build their own infrastructure to hold on
to their clients , even if such ignore many of the 'rules'. Thus, I could disbelieve in most
all of the churches' teachings and still participate in their colleges, schools and social activities
as long as I'm reasonably discreet about it - and still think of myself as "Catholic".
One day, perhaps, we will be confronted with the naked evidence that we are merely
the inhabitants of a tiny planet, long isolated from a cosmos filled with other life. Until,
that happens, both Catholics - and the Watchtower - will strive to maintain the "brand identity"
of whatever silliness they have accumulated as revealed truth.
....or at least, that's what the cash flow tells me!