The term 'generation' can mean a number of time frames. It can refer to the time from the birth of one generation to the birth of the next, which is about 20 years. Or it can mean a life-span. The Society used the Psalms to determine the length of a life-span to calculate the "Last Generation" in making its case that 70 years from 1914 would put us at the threshold of 1975.
Psalm 90:10 says, "The days of our years are threescore years and ten [70 years]; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years [80 years], yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away."
Assuming that the Society is correct in taking an old Jewish song as authority to determine a life-span, then what do we have?
Example: 1914 + 80 years ended in 1994. So, the last generation was Biblically gone 11 years ago.
What about the pre-1935 Anointed generation who are not mere replacements? Assuming a person could be of the age of reason and be anointed by age 10, then they would have been born no later than 1925 ... you know, just about the time Abraham and the other prophets were to be resurrected and live at Beth Sarim in San Diego. The numbers fit so well.
1925 + 80 years ends in 2005. This means that the last of the original pre-1935 Anointed are now dead by Watchtower reasoning - albeit - there are some hold-outs still alive serving on the Hovering Body. These were known by Watchtower prophecy as the Mordicai Class (named after the old prophetic geezer in the book of Ester.) Whereas the post-1935 Anointed are prophetically known as the Ester Class (named after the faithful Israeli woman who married a non-believer King because she was told to do so by Mordicai to fulfill some important prophecy that no one today really knows about.)
The Due Time has Arrived for the Society to address this big hole in one of their last false doctrines. It will prove interesting to see just how they spin this one ... I expect something from them anytime soon, just around the corner. I hope it is juicy, as I can't take another "UN NGO library card" style excuse. Rather, I hope they put their little creative minds together and find some obscure prophetic statement that allows them to wiggle out of this one.
Jim W.