back in the stone age

by donald 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • donald

    ive been thinking thta the WTBS is back in the stone age....when it come to woman.....the cant lead..cant say a prayer...with a baptized man around......cant take the lead in there own family...if married....i guess the JWs have kept up the middle eastern tatrition of keeping woman barefoot and .....donald

  • LeslieV

    It is the main reason that I am no longer a JW.


  • Euphemism

    Yep, it's ridiculous. I can't count the number of times I watched an intelligent, capable woman meekly take orders from an incompetent man just because he had a penis.

    It frustrated me even when I was a true-blue dub... I would ask 'sisters' of my acquaintance how they could stand it. Of course, they all told me that it was part of their faith in Jehovah's arrangement.

  • donald

    the worst part that bothers me is...very smart whitty woman sit there and take it....there was this one sister...well call her sharon (not her real name)...she went to and grauduateted from U of Michigan with school...and she stayed at home not using it..and let her husband...whos a manager at a cleaning co....take the total lead....i could almost see the smoke come out of her ears when he would go on about the nothing he knew about........i would never want a woman to be subservent to me......donald

  • loosie

    Whoa Donald. I must say if you are married you have a very lucky wife, if you aren't you will have a very lucky wife someday.

  • donald

    thanks loosie...yes im married...and im lucky to have on dialsys..and she takes such good care of me...and thats not easy lol.....donald

  • loosie

    Oh Donald I'm sorry to hear that. But you sound like a prince so I am sure that makes her job easier. Give your wife a kudos from me.

  • love11

    Ya... and men are innocent victims of us jezabel's!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA

  • loosie

    I hate how some look at women like we are the ones who are going to bring those honest hearted brothers down. Hence the silly unwritten rule about not being in a car alone with a brother... you know if I am going to do anything it not going to be in a car.

  • stillajwexelder

    and yet on this board we have women with intellect so high such as Blondie that most elders are not fit to untie her shoe laces

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