I will be traveling to CA w/my husband soon. For part of the trip, we plan to stay w/ my JW aunt and uncle. They are very supportive of me and I'm still their favorite niece - even though I am technically "bad association". They do not witness or preach to me, but my concern is for my husband. What if they turn him onto their false beliefs? He doesn't believe in organized religion, but as so many in "the world" is in no way prepared to spar with a JW...your advise would be greatly appreciated!
Husband to meet the enemy
by Daisymay 7 Replies latest jw friends
Don't worry. He will no doubt see through it all.
But you might prepare him for the possibility, with some questions for them. If he asks the right ones, they will stop 'witnessing' to him.
Like: What do you know about the origins of your religion? Tell me why Jehovah's witnesses are not a cult? (then tell them why they are one) What do you think about the dates they keep changing? JW's say the crime rate is increasing, but the statistics say just the opposite. How do you explain that? Etc, etc, etc.
Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)
Have him say, "I've been reading a very good book by Ray Franz, 'Crisis of Conscience', have you read it yet? It's very informative about the Watchtower Society's inner workings." Might want to find a convenient motel after that.
I would agree with Mulan: forewarned is forearmed. You may wish to tailor the questions so that specific doctrines and dates are not mentioned; if your family think you've deliberately poisoned the well it may impede future relations.
You could also brief your husband on conversion methods the JW's and other fundamentalist sects use, such as appealing to people's desires with promises of paradise, playing on people's fears with litanies of disaster and how bad this old world is, love bombing etc etc.
As the predicted conversion formula unfolds, he'll be able to see it from an informed, less vulnerable perspective.
From what you've previously said, there really doesn't seem to be much danger, though.
Tell them you have a computer; therefore you have already thoroughly and extensively examined this organization and have concluded that, through that research process, there is no way in hell or you could or would ever, intelliently, choose to join hands with such a factually corrupt "religion/snare and rackett".
"Hope that helps".
sKally, "VERY APOSTATE"...NOT a rocket scientist!
Prepare him for the completely fake "love bombing" that the "friends" like to try on unbelieving mates.
Slipnslidemaster: "The gods too are fond of a joke."
- Aristotle -
Hi Daisy,
Nice to see you posting. I hope you have a nice trip. I am glad that your aunt and uncle are not shunning you. You have already been given some good suggestions. Here's another question you could have him ask:
"What if I one day decided I didn't want to be a JW any more? Could I change my mind without losing all my friends?"think41self
"When agnostics die, do they go to the great perhaps"?
thanks for the advise - I don't think there is a big threat, but just in case.... I don't want them planting seeds! I am going to print out your suggested questions and fill him in before they get a chance.
thanks again!