ok, I believe in the Anointed Jesus.
1) How would you define God, and why are you so convinced that there is one?
God, is my Father, and I am convinced there is one, because I have heard his voice before. He made me his son, and he discipline(s) me as such.
2) If everything needs a creator, then who or what created God?
Everything DOESN'T need a creator. Everything "created" NEEDS a creator. There are entities that have not been created.
3) How can something that cannot be described be said to exist?
He can be described. 1 John 4:8. If you are refering to those who cannot explain God (like trinity or something) its because "they worship what they DO NOT KNOW but we worship what we know." John 4:22
4) Since there are countless religions in the world today claiming to be the one true religion, why do you think yours is truer than theirs?
Because their religion consists of a 'building, etc. Mine consisted of Jesus the only "truth," our Father, and his holy spirit(s). no "leaders" no "building," etc.
5) Can more than one of these religions be right?
They can be right in certain issues, but as far as being "in union with" Christ.. they ALL are touching the 'unclean thing.'
6) If you feel in your heart that your religion is the right one, how do you answer those of other faiths who claim the same thing?
I answer them according to what the holy spirit says for me to tell them. Lots of them don't like it, and hate me, as they hated both my Lord and his Father.
7) How do you settle the debate and find out which of these religions, if any, is the right one?
John 14:6 Jesus said he is both the Way, and the Truth. He didn't say any "religion" was the 'way' OR the 'truth.'
8) Why does God allow all these false religions to exist?
The same reason he allows the 'sons' of our Adversary to exist. To give them time to repent and come to the Father of life. Acts 17:26; Revelation 2:21
9) Is the bloody history of Christianity consistent with what is supposed to be a religion of love, or does it simply illustrate the consequences of abandoning reason for faith?
Actually, it is consistent with her who is drunk from the blood of the 'anointed' AND also all those slain in the earth. Revelation 18:24
10) If everything is the product of a grand design by an omniscient, benevolent designer, why is the history of life a record of horrible suffering, blundering waste, and miserable failures? Why does this God go through billions of years of such carnage without yet arriving at His goal?
Because the history you know of, is the history of those who belong to "another." Those knowing their God.. have conquered the world and have not been harmed by the REAL death.
11) Why did God intervene so many times in human affairs during antiquity (according to the Bible) and yet not do anything during the Holocaust of the Second World War?
Because God's spirit left and abandoned the temple in Jerusalem and remained IN those who the Christ begot by holy spirit.
12) Why should one¹s inner convictions about the existence of God indicate that He/She/They/It exists outside of that person¹s mind?
Because "those people" have not come to know God. For he and his Son resides inside us and speaks IN us. This is available to "all who want it."
13) Can a God who would abandon His children when they needed him the most still be considered all good?
God abandoned those who left him. God has not left us. In fact, many of those who are heirs of God, God calls and is still BEGGING them to return.
14) If something is not rational, should it be believed anyway?
"You must come as a child." How many children believe ONLY rational things. Then again, who defined what was "rational?" A group of 'limited' men?
15) If the God of the Bible is all good, why does He himself say that He created evil? (Isaiah 45:7)
Let's read that shall we? "Forming light and creating darkness, making peace and creating calamity, I, JahVeh, am doing all these things." Hmmm.. no "evil" mentioned there.
16) Is there a better way than reason to acquire knowledge and truth?
Yes. Go to him who is Truth, and ask him. John 14:6
17) If you would answer #16 with faith, then why are there so many contradictory faiths in the world?
Nope, didn't answer "faith." In addition.. the reason there are so many contradictiory faiths is because folks don't read the dictionary. "Faith" is something or someone you believe in. It is NOT a 'system of beliefs' which "men" are misled to believe. Now if everyone really had 'faith' in Jesus... they would not do or WORRY about the things they do.
18) Is comfort more important to you than intellectual integrity?
No, neither are important to me. I'm almost not important to me.
19) What would it take to convince you that you are wrong?
I would have to hear it from him to tell me DIRECTLY, he isn't real.
20) If nothing can convince you that you are wrong, then why should your faith be considered anything other than a cult?
Because I believe in him, and I obey him. I don't force others to do it. And not everyone believes in him like I do. Nor do i believe in him like others do. I am endeavoring to get my faith to 'grow' in him and let go more of the physical stuff.
21) If an atheist lives a decent, moral life, why should a loving, compassionate God care whether or not we believe in Him/Her/It?
Because he cares for all. now if the atheist doesn't want to believe, he doesn't have to. He can still get life for being a decent moral even to Christ's brothers.
22) Why do so many religious people thank God when they survive a disaster, yet fail to be angry with him for causing the disaster in the first place?
They were told ahead of time not to be there. It was their OWN disobedience that got them there. So, because he is FULL of COMPASSION, he spared their lives and HOPEFULLY next time they will LISTEN.
23) If you demand that the atheist disprove the Judeo-Christian God, are you prepared to disprove the existence of Zeus, Odin, Ra and all the other ancient gods and goddesses?
I don't demand that from ANY atheist. I just hope he lives a good moral loving life.
24) Why is the number of atheists in prisons disproportionally much smaller than their numbers in the general population?
Because lots of "christians" have proved to be more wicked. Thus publicly showing who they really are.
25) Is the brutal, vengeful and bloodthirsty God as depicted in the Old Testament still a loving God?
You got the wrong God. It was the wicked people that drove him to that point. He looked for reasons to save them, but inside them there existed none.
26) Should any religion that demands we elevate faith over reason be trusted?
No religion should be trusted. "Cursed is ANYONE putting his trust in men" Jeremiah 17:5 Only the Christ should be trusted.
27) How can the same God that, according to the Old Testament, killed everybody on Earth except for eight people be considered as anything other than evil?
Read the account.. say Genesis 6:5,6 and then the 2nd chance that was given them in 1 Peter 3:19, 20
28) Is the acceptance of religious mysticism, magic and miracles consistent with our understanding of good mental health?
Who qualified your "understanding?" The One who understanding orginates from before YOUR understanding is much more trustworthy.
29) Must we hate our families and ourselves in order to be good Christians? (Luke 14:26)
Nope. That was for those who wanted MORE. They needed to have "greater affection" for Christ than for religion, family, even their own soul.
30) Since the ancient world abounded with tales of resurrected Savior-Gods that were supposed to have returned from the dead to save humanity, why is the Jesus myth any truer than all the others?
Because "some of us" can hear his voice, today.
31) If the Bible is the standard for morality, why does it not forbid slavery and war?
The Bible is not the standard, Jesus is. And he forbade it. He said "vengence is mine." Slavery, however, exists in many forms. Which 'form' are you refering to? For you are a 'slave to yourself.'
32) If the Bible is the inerrant word of God, why does it contain so many factual errors, such as the two contradictory accounts of Creation in Genesis?
The Bible is not the word of God. And the 2 accounts in Genesis are not talking about the same place. One place is the 'physical' earth, and the other is the 'spirit earth' in heaven.
33) Why isn¹t the Bible written in a straightforward way that leaves no doubt about what it means?
It is straightforward. He plainly said "Many will come saying 'I am the Christ'.." and you have SEEN these individuals post here.
34) The last time Christianity attained total power, it resulted in the Dark Ages, so why should we expect anything different from Christian fundamentalists today?
You should expect the same. For both 'fundies' and those in the Dark Ages are all 'false christs,' 'false anointed.'
35) Has anyone ever been killed in the name of atheism?
I doubt it. But there are atheists who have killed a "few" only because a certain "few" really believed in God. And they did them no harm so as to deserve death.
36) Why does history show that every time a fundamentalist religion has gained power, tyranny and persecutions have soon followed?
Because "by their fruits you will recognize those who belonged to me, and those who do not belong to me. I know the ones whom I have chosen and they know me." His words, not mine.
Peace to you!