Question about reaching out to old friends

by zamzummim 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • zamzummim

    Hi all, I have a quick question about reaching out to old friends you used to know.

    I was able to do some research on the internet and came across the name of an old friend of mine from when I was a JW. There was actually quite a bit of information about his life and he's no longer married to the woman he was married to when we were both part of the org.

    I'd like to reach out to him, but I have no clue whether he's still a JW, or if he's out.

    Has anyone done this, and if so, can you offer any advice?

    Thank you!

  • Eyebrow2


    I say why not give it a shot? Try giving your old friend a call, email or letter, whatever you feel comfortable with. What would happen if you try and fail? At least you would know that you did everything you could.

    I have an old friend I have been trying to get in touch with for about 5 years now, but I get no response, so either the info I have is wrong or he went back to the KH.

  • LongHairGal


    You could try. You have a 50/50 chance of being pleasantly surprised. It could also go the other way because the teachings have messed up certain people's heads. You could experience rejection because this person may feel he shouldn't bother with you for some reason. But don't let it deter you.

  • franklin J
    franklin J


    give it a try;what have you got to lose? You might be pleasently surprised and connect with an old friend.

    good luck!


  • unbeliever

    I agree I would try and get in touch.

  • zamzummim

    Thanks everyone!

    Based on the encouragement here, I've decided to send my buddy an email. It's on it's way, so we'll see what happens.

  • Jez

    I just found out that my exbrotherinlaw is no longer a witness. I am going to contact him. What do I have to lose? Nothing, but everything to gain. He was my family, but he became my friend.


  • orangefatcat

    There is nothing like just calling someone and telling him that you were wondering how he is doing. and just ask straight up if he still is involved with the Organization. Then go on from that point.

    You may be suprised pleasingly.

    all the best from Count Catula

    love the Orangefatcat.

  • Quentin
  • Quentin

    That's the secound time I've accidently posted a blank page.

    Go for it. Your friend may be wondering about you as well.

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