Just thought I would share a weird and sad thing. today at the supermarket i was on my way to buy froot loops and felt this overwhelming sense of sadness, like a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. Then cell phone rings my dad's best friend died. he had been sick for a while. Then get home check e-mail, and my friends mom died. Don't they say deaths happen in 3's. I don't know it's to freaky for even me. Just wondered if anyone else has heard about that 3 thing?
by freakshow 7 Replies latest jw friends
Jools j
not to be flippant, but i think your sinking feeling might have been your choice of froot loops, maybe.
the 3 thing is supersttion. don't let that eat ino you life. -
Thats silly superstition.
I thought this post was going to be about me with a title like that.
Oh relax, noone can out freaky you logical.
freakshow, it always happens in 3's and I'm sorry for your losses.
Slipnslidemaster: "The gods too are fond of a joke."
- Aristotle -
Being raised a JW, I of course laughed at any ESP type stuff as being fake or whatnot. But all that changed when I met my current girlfriend.
She told me that since a child she could sort of tell what was in people's mind, in the sense of images or placews they were thinking of, and she could accuratley sketch the object.
I didn't beleive it all, despite how much I loved her, so I asked her to prove it. She did, and did it often. It was my 2nd biggest revelation, the first being of course leaving the JW and realizing it was all a lie, and that my perception of the world and life needed major reevaluation.
The 2nd was that humans are capable of much more than we think. It's one of those things you wont beleive until you see it yourself, I know, cus I didnt beleive it until it was demonstrated to me.
To give an example: I picked out a magazine at random, placed a marker in the magazine and told her to give me a sketch of the 'target' and 15 minutes later, she produced sketch of a human figure with outstretched arms and two weird pointy thinkgs coming out of the head, basically looked like a jester hat.
When I opened the magazine to the marker, yup, she was exactly right. There was an ad there where the marker was that had that exact image, a jester with outstretched arms. After many such examples that I could not explain away (I was there the whole time, it was a new magazine that neither of us had seen, neither of us had seen the 'target') I began to beleive in the stuff. She just said she had been able to do it since she was a kid. Unfortunatley I cannot continue in these esperiments with her because she says it causes some strange discomfort, a panicy feeling that she says she hates.
SO i researched this stuff..and I found a lot of interesting things. I live in Maryland, near fort meade. Apparantly, many of you might remember this, the US government was funding a group of psychics at fort meade, it was called project stargate.
THey did this partly because the russians also had psychics (this was during the cold war) and also because it is the only psychic phenomena that can be accuratley reproduced in a lab with controls. It's essentially a proven ability. It's known as remote viewing. It's the unexplained ability of some people to accuratley describe, in astonishing details 'targets.' Place or things that are physically very far away from the person, that the person has never visited.
The US government used them to describe military installations of foreign nations, essentially, psychic spys. IT sounds crazy but it's all true. Research it yourself. I went back a little furhter....apparantly this phenomena was first brought to the world's attention when hypnotism was all the rage in the 18th and 19th century. The hypnotists would ask subjects to describe for example, the hypnotists house, or tell him where his mother was at that moment. And to everyone's suprise, very accurate results occured. (anyone ever seen a hypnotists demonstration? gotts be the eeriest, surreal disturbing thing I have ever seen..are we that easily controlled???)
One beleiver of remote viewing was Upton Sincalir, author of the amazing book THE JUNGLE. He did many experiments with his wife like I did with my girlfriend, and documented all the sketches and wrote much about it.
So yeah, I beleive that we have much more ability in our brains than basic computation and emotion. It makes sense in an evolutionary sense as well... Wouldn't it make sense for members of a species that were able to 'sense' when they are being watched/stalked to survive and reproduce?
Again, I don't expect any of you to beleive in things like this until you experience it. The other interesting thing I have found is this ability is in every person, I even tried it myself. My first sketches were complete misses, but latley they have been remarkably on the mark. Some people can just get alot more detail from their 'targets' than others.
Project stargate was officialy disbanded in the early 90's, but who knows if the government sitll uses remote viewers?
You might want to get in touch with James Randy. He will pay one million dollars to anyone that can demonstrate this ability, under controlled conditions. I don't know his web site address, but I am sure that you can find it.
James Randy specliazes in debunking things such as spoon bending, mind healing, levitation, parlor tricks, etc. He hardly touches remote viewing.
That link has a detailed and scientific ananlysis of remote viewing including the first CIA sponsered experiments and other experiments doen in the early 1970's. I don't agree with Ingo Swann's view as to how remote viewing works but oh well.
[q]Using the standards applied to any other area of science, it is concluded that psychic functioning has been well established. The statistical results of the studies examined are far beyond what is expected by chance. Arguments that these results could be due to methodological flaws in the experiments are soundly refuted. Effects of similar magnitude to those found in government-sponsored research at SRI and SAIC have been replicated at a number of laboratories across the world. Such consistency cannot be readily explained by claims of flaws or fraud.
The magnitude of psychic functioning exhibited appears to be in the range between what social scientists call a small and medium effect. That means that it is reliable enough to be replicated in properly conducted experiments, with sufficient trials to achieve the long-run statistical results needed for replicability.
Professor Jessica Utts
Department of Statistics
University of California, Davis[/q]
For a skeptical angle on all this, see