There seems to be a common theme going on in the JW community.
- At the first sign of a possible committment, every jw rushes you (with guilt) to show that you are serious.
- Then, at the first sign of trouble everyone wants you to shoulder YOUR responsibilities.
- Finally, they damn/shun you if you can't handle things or choose/decide to quit.
I've seen this scenario played out with:
- Interested couples rushed to engagement.
- Dating couple rushed into marriage.
- Bible studies & young persons rushed into baptism.
- Any jw with 'free' time (meaning non-WT activities) rushed into pioneer service.
- Young pioneer brothers rushed into bethel.
Have you seen the same in your areas? Can you think of other scenarios?
Don't get me wrong, everyone is responsible for their own choices and actions in life, but the jw community exerts strong influence in the personal lives of individuals, to the point that it is definitely un-christian.