"But now we are in the end of this Gospel age, and the Kingdom is being established or set up. Our Lord, the appointed King, is now present, since October 1874, A.D., according to the testimony of the prophets, to those who have ears to hear; and the formal inauguration of his kingly office dates from April 1878 A.D." (Studies in the Scriptures, Vol. 4, page 621)
I have just learned about this 1874 date. Pretty interesting, Russell believed Jesus came in 1874 had was going to complete a 40 year "harvest" and will end with the great war in 1914. When that didn't happen, the change to 1914 as the start of the last days, which would run until 1925:
"Therefore we may confidently expect that 1925 will mark the return of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the faithful prophets of old, particularly those named by the Apostle in Hebrews 11, to the condition of human perfection." Millions Now Living Will Never Die, page 89.
"The date 1925 is even more distinctly indicated by the Scriptures than 1914." The Watchtower 9/1/22, page 262.
"Our thought is, that 1925 is definitely settled by the Scriptures. As to Noah, the Christian now has much more upon which to base his faith than Noah had upon which to base his faith in a coming deluge." The Watchtower, page 106 4/1/23.
I find it truly amazing how these dates and references are buried by the "organization." I wonder how the Rank & File would react to learn of these dates, would there be a mass exodus, or would they just ignore it as "old light"?