Here is a quote from a true dub on the Great Crowd db: "We had 32 baptized at our Dist.Convention. I really enjoyed all the talks.It was information we all need. Jehovah always provides what we need when we need it.
Yeah right!
Tell that to those who lost family or friends due to the ban against organ transplants, a ban which "Jah" lifted AFTER it was too late for some...likewise with BLOOD FRACTIONS.
Why didn't "Jah" let folks know that it was OK to accept ALTERNATIVE service instead of letting them go to jail and then years later telling folks that ALTERNATIVE service was OK after all?
One would have to be almost completely devoid of reasoning ability to believe that this is FOOD AT THE RIGHT TIME.
Just my 1.6 cents (Canadian Dollar, eh?) Jigrigger
My Father had nothing to do with what those people were told. You mad at God? Blame the 'god' of the WT... 'Jehovah'... for HIS false christs... and not the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Holy One of Israel, JAH OF ARMIES. They are NOT one and the same.
:You mad at God? Blame the 'god' of the WT... 'Jehovah'... for HIS false christs... and not the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Holy One of Israel, JAH OF ARMIES. They are NOT one and the same.
It is important to realize that, thanks to the ambiguity of "God's Word" (the bible), anyone can make God out to be whoever they want. I know my idea of what God would be is nothing like the God of the bible "JAH OF ARMIES"--as you say. My God would never condone murder, rape, slavery and all other manner of Bad Behavior. My God would love all people on the earth and wouldn't have favored any race or demand the sort of worship equal to that of the world's greatest ego-maniacs (Henry VIII and Hitler to name just two). My God would be more concerned with people loving each other and would say so if ever moved to provide the mortals with a book of instruction. We would be encouraged to use our brains for the betterment of mankind, learning and science would be greatly encouraged as well as an appreciation for this life, not the next (which I believe the bible states is spent basically singing Biblegod's praises).
It *wouldn't* be filled with ridiculous rules, tales of massacres, contradictions and ambiguities.
May I first say that God's Word is not 'ambiguous', that he is indeed QUITE clear... that you perhaps you have had the misfortunate of being misled as to understanding just what that 'word'... or rather WHO that Word... is?
John 1:14 Revelation 19:13 John 1:1 John 10:1-6, 27 Proverbs 8:4-11
The Bible, dear one... is NOT the word of God. It is not even the 'scriptures'. It is a compilation of 66 books that INCLUDE the scriptures... as well as histories, chronologies, letters and proverbs. The 'scriptures', however, are "Moses, the Prophets and Psalms"... and the Revelation, the ONLY books that the writers were TOLD to write... by divine inspiration. I promise you.