How much does religion factor with who you decide to have a relationship with? Of course as a JW you weren't supposed to marry or even date someone who wasn't a dub. But now that you're out how much does that matter?
I've decided that I do not want anyone who is very religious, especially one who is Christian. Living in the south, aka Bible belt, people are religious by default. No matter how you live your personal life, everyone is a southern Christian down in these parts.
In my last relationship I broke it off for several reasons. One of the main reasons had to deal with the relationship thing. I told her that I was not a Christian, I did not believe in Christ (although I did tell her I read the Bible twice), I had no interest in setting foot in a church (with the exception of weddings, funerals, and other special invited events), yadda, yadda, yadda.
Nonetheless she was shocked, and turned "holier-than-thou", even though I could have been a more upstanding Christian than her. I wasn't hurt or upset, but I saw this as a problem and with my position on religion, I wasn't going to move away from it all. She told me that I was too picky, etc and she didn't believe that I would ever find anyone who wasn't a "Christian", etc.
So am I too picky?