The Truth about blood transfusions from the Living God Jehovah. Jehovah is the God of the Living, not the dead. The True meaning of; No love greater than to give your life on behalf of another. Which is better; to allow your brother or sister to die before you, or to share a gift of life through the offering of your own blood? Jehovah is NOT Baal, who required living sacrifices. Truth and discernment will be able to determine who is right and wrong in this case before man.
Also, Harmagedon is MANs war NOT GOD's. This evidence can be found in the Book of Revelations, if you read it closely. Hint: (A locust is a Mans Helicopter, which is easily explained from the standpoint of one whom has never seen one in Johns day).
Jehovah is the GOD of LOVE; Whom has forgiven ALL. Please open your heart to JEHOVAH your GOD in the Heavens through JESUS CHRIST. They WILL begin sweeping across the Nations, passing Judgment upon the wicked, and also the righteous in LOVE. Amen Forever and Ever until Time Indefinite, Selah.
The Faithful and Discreet Slave of JAH and CHRIST