Jack Van Impe & Y2K

by homme perdu 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • homme perdu
    homme perdu

    Just before the millenium Jack made an 80 minute program on how Y2K would affect the world. Reading from the back of the Y2K video box he annouced, ''See how the effects of this predicted computer catastrophe coincide with Bible prophecy regarding the coming of the Lord and the latter days of time on this earth!'' Jack even interpreted Izekiel 12:25; 'And lo he doth braid the hair of the pony...' think about that: some computers have braided wires... and ponies are nature's calendars... praise the word of God! You see this millenium crisis was predicted right here in the Bible!'' Later There's Heaven Number One, which is our atmosphere, made up of the ionosphere, the stratosphere. Then there's Heaven Number Two, which is from the top of our atmosphere into outer space. The Third Heaven, which is ''unpronounceable,'' is past outer space. It's where God lives. Now, Satan was kicked out of Heaven Number Three, so that means he currently controls outer space and our atmosphere. Since he controls the air in our atmosphere... he controls the electricity! This means Satan controls our computers. On 14 separate occasions I counted, Dr. Jack stops preaching to make it very clear that it's not just he and his wife who think we're screwed, it's qualified experts and were told by God to make the program. The final proof of the validity of the Y2K prophecies is how Dr. Van Impe heard a Utah senator say, ''I'm not going anywhere near a plane on December 31, 1999.'' We've only had airplanes since the turn of the century, and the Bible makes several mentions of flying people. ''We couldn't have that [type of flying device] three or four, five hundred years ago; that's a tremendous sign. As the birds fly, so will the Lord.'' Jack discusses the imbedded firmware chips further than most experts when he reminds us that Satan controls all electricity from the Earth to the end of outer space, and the Bible says there will be an ''incredible battle in space'' with ''dragons and angels.''


    This was the first program I watched of Jack. I quickly identified his methods of preaching, it reminded me of the Elders. Im sure thoudsands of people believed Jack. Since the program aired Jack I have never seen any form of apology. Jack has been called the "walking bible" due to his good memory of scriptures, but he seems to forgot Mathew 24:36,But of that day and hour knoweth no man , no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only."

  • peacefulpete

    He made many predictions that the gulf war would end in Armegedon he identified a giant Buddah statue as the image of the beast that would come to life and fool the world. He said UFOs are angels flying about as 'predicted' in Reveletion...it boogles the mind how gullible and desparate people can be to believe.

  • EvilForce

    I saw him for the first time a number of years ago and laughed. He was very JW like and jumped all around the bible to prove his point. Very, very funny. Yet people STILL watch him and send him money.

    I always thought I should give up medicine, start my own religion and use the proceeds from the religion to buy a bunch of "nudie bars". Mid eight figure salaries I worked out. The Promise Keepers at it's peak was bringing in $120 million per year. Siphon off $ 15 million a year to buy nudie bars that consistenly pull in net profit margins of 22% or so. Not bad!!!

    But back on topic...Jack Impotent is like BrownBoy / The Word in his proclaimations.

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  • Quentin

    I thought Y2K was a gel.

  • crinklestein

    That chic with the pink hair on his show just creeps me out. How anyone can believe the shit on that show is amazing. And that Greek guy just looks like a damned scumbag pimping religion on national TV so he can get a new Rolex. They make these videos and even Hollywood movies and then spend the entire show talking about it as if it were all totally real and biblically accurate.

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