Do you know of any witnesses who celebrate these holidays? Kind of like the way some go to a special dinner or something on their birthday.
Mother's Day & Father's Day
by TheListener 6 Replies latest jw friends
My in-laws were big on this, .. and we never did
Now that they are gone, we could have had some nice memories
When I was a witness, I thought we didnt' celebrate Mother or Fathers day. Then in my 20s a sister told me there was nothing really in print about us not celebrating these days, so I started sending my dad Father's Day cards, since he was never a witness and I knew he felt bad I didn't celebrate other holidays. Then a one or two yrs later the School Brochure came out specifically mentioning Mothers day and Fathers day. So out that went out the window! :( but now of course after quitting, I send them again, as well as celebrate other holidays.
No I never knew of any witnesses that celebrated this but i do now know of ones that celebrate birthdays es
I'm waiting for Bastard Day so I can get mine
Our family became JW's in 1950 when things were very different. I remember my mother calling me on Mother's Day, after I was married, to see if I remembered it. Now that I am not a JW, I do something for her every year and she loves it. I think she would be very hurt if I didn't.
mormon 4 life
what relgion r u now? have you ever looked into mormon