Circular meetings

by truth_about_the_truth 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • truth_about_the_truth

    Dont you love it when you go to the meeting only to hear them talk about why you should be at the meetings?

    Basically this is the point:

    "It is important for us to be at the meetings so we can be reminded about coming to the meetings."

    Round and round we go.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    HA HA! ya, totally. i always resented all the reminders. it's like a form of brainwashing. that coupled with the communal reinforcement of the reminders (all the zombies sitting there nodding their heads in agreement) makes for some really handy mind control!

  • undercover
    "It is important for us to be at the meetings so we can be reminded about coming to the meetings."

    LMAO. That should be the year text on the wall behind the speaker.

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    haha phrased so perfectly...


  • phil78

    It always did bug me towards the end how much effort they do put in to getting us to stay in the truth. All the lies and inuendo about "outside" life and how wicked it is. All the Young People Ask articles about how much trouble a teen can get into in the "World". How our restrictions are realy blessings saving us from all the harm and hurt satan is throwing at us.

    After 26 years, i still couldn't remember the correct order of the bible books, How to correctly explain the working out of the year 1914 (day for a year and all that crap), BUT my hours were up there with the best, my presentation of the mags was flawless, as was my overcoming "conversation stoppers" and i could usually get a "donation" from anyone. Their focus is less on accurate bible education, and more on keeping the congregations so busy with tasks that they dont start asking questions and woking things out for themselves. But if you do ask a Q: "There's an article you should read that gives the answer."

  • ljwtiamb

    Ah Ha!!! So the KEY is to step OUT of the circle and thus not be reminded of what you are not missing.

    No wonder I can't get off this merry-go-round!

  • ezekiel3

    Good point!. The mantra is:

    • Meetings
    • Service
    • Study

    When you go to the meetings you hear the above

    When you go in service you teach the above

    When you study you learn it one more time.

    The 'truth' is there really isn't much doctrine within JWs. Circuit assemblies and conventions are all the same too. And except for an occasion Awake! topic on mountains or fruit bats, all the publications filter down to the same mantra.

    My social hobby with JWs is to ask them about a certain Service meeting part last week. 9 out of 10 can't remember! Why?

    Have you ever tried to recall the sound of a paticular drop from a leaky faucet?

  • Honesty

    Just think of all the spiritual food you are not getting when you attend meetings

  • celestials

    Hello everyone,

    I am a newbie here. I was just wondering, are you JW's or X JW's........just curious

  • GetBusyLiving

    Hi celestials, by and large most of us are ex-jw's, but some of us still go to meetings. Nice to meet ya.


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