Radar blip sends Bush into shelter

by tijkmo 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • tijkmo

    just heard about this on uk satirical news show....cant believe our friends across the pond didn't share it with us

    Radar blip sends Bush into shelter
    George W. Bush

    Washington, April 28 (Reuters): President George W. Bush was hustled from the Oval Office and into an underground shelter yesterday after a blip on a radar screen was initially mistaken for an aircraft entering the restricted airspace around the White House, officials said.

    The Secret Service determined minutes later that it was a false alarm. A flock of birds or a reflection could have caused the blip. Officials said the investigation was ongoing. Vice-president Dick Cheney also was moved to a secure location as Secret Service agents, some with shotguns drawn, cleared the area in front of the presidential mansion.

    White House spokesman Scott McClellan said the President was in the underground bunker for a ?very short amount of time.? He said it was the first time Bush had been taken to the shelter since the 9/11 attacks.

    ?There were some precautionary measures that were taken. It was quickly learned that it was a false alarm and that all was clear in a very short amount of time,? McClellan said. ?Everything is fine.?

    Officials blamed the incident on a blip that appeared on a radar screen. Helicopters sent up to investigate quickly verified that there was no errant aircraft.

    ?Out of an abundance of caution, appropriate security measures were taken,? said Brian Roehrkasse, a Homeland Security Department spokesman.

    On heightened alert after the Sept. 11 airplane attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the White House has had several similar false alarms.

    In a November 2003 scare, two Air Force F-16 fighters were scrambled to secure the airspace over the White House after a blip on radar, possibly caused by birds rather than a plane, sent scores of White House staff and tourists fleeing the executive mansion.

  • luna2

    I'm sure this was the appropriate response and all, but for some reason I look at everything involving this president as a bunch of bumbling. It's wrong to be so biased against him, I'm sure. Just can't help it. LOL

  • EvilForce

    That's because he's a baffoon... and his cronies are all idiots. So a flock of birds caused him to run underground... HA!

    Too bad they didn't poop on his head.

    Young People Ask - "How can such a stooge become President?"

  • curlygirl

    I'll bet that he didn't wait seven minutes to make his exit.


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