God's mandate to Noah required that blood from an animal killed for food should be poured out on the ground, in respect for the life of the animal which was just taken away.
Jehovahs Witnesses claim that blood is sacred regardless of whether a life if taken. That's why they say blood transfusions are forbidden. Even though no loss of life is involved they claim blood has some "magical" significance.
If that's the case, wouldn't Jesus blood also have been sacred and good for redemption wihout him having to die? He could have just donated a pint or two of his blood to redeem all mankind.
But he didn't!! He had to die! His blood was worthless without the accompanything death, the thing which REALLY had the value!
Just like God said to Noah.!! Killing the animal required recognition to God. Hence thats why God allowed the Jews to sell meat of unbled animals to foreigners. The blood had no meaning if the animal was not killed my man...
It's the JW's who have totally twisted the scriptures here......evil cult that they are!