my saturday in 18

by tsunami_rid3r 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • tsunami_rid3r

    so i got off work and i wanted to make it a fun night. so i called around looking for parties. well there was a witness girls graduation party so i hit that, and it happened to be formal. so my 2 tight jehovah witness friends hooked me up with a belt and some shoes. so i went in and the new girl from kansas saw me then wanted me to dance with her. then i danced with the other good looking girls then split. its 11:30 and im out cruisin around with my 2 friends jessica and morgan, we stop at walmart and i buy us some black and milds and we just chilled smoking in the back of my truck. then i gave my shirt to morgan because she wanted and that was my night ending at 12:30.

  • FMZ

    Good times mate... it's the simple pleasures...

    Damn, now I want a cigar. Have to go out to the car.


  • Es

    glad you had a good time es

  • tsunami_rid3r

    funny thing, i tried to hook my friend up with kansas girl. i told him tell her how you feel. well he told her he liked her that night at the party, and it turns that the other dudes except me in the congregation told her they like her too. lol.

    and this morning in service i was out with him and we ran across this one guy who said he disagreed with our belief system, so i asked him what did he disagree with and he mentioned how we think that jesus and god are one in thought. then he showed me the scripture at john 10:28-? and it said me and jehovah are one, which he thinks they are one entity. interesting. i enjoyed it. i coulda just put my magazines back into my bag and said have a nice day. id like to come up to an apostates door, that would be so heartwarming.

  • jaffacake

    Hi Tsunami, I wonder what your witnessing partner thought of what the guy said. Wish you had knocked at my door. I would have made you a cup of tea, read some scriptures, and asked some questions like:

    What does Luke 8:39-40 mean when it says Be on your way back home, and keep on relating what things God did for you. Accordingly he went away, proclaiming throughout the whole city what things Jesus did for him.

    Or why Joseph Rutherford suddenly renamed the publishing company Jehovahs Witnesses when the New Testament contains whole books that don't even mention Jehovahs name at all (Phillipians;1 Timothy; Titus; Philemon; 1 John; 2 John; 3 John)

    and why some of Jesus last words before he was killed were those in Acts 1:8 and you will be witnesses of me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the most distant part of the earth.

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