A friend, Kevin, called me this morning and says to swing by sometime today.....he's got something to show me. I get my butt in gear and head to his house.
He hands me a letter he got in the mail on saturday. "I think it's from the Jehovahs Witnesses.....why would they mail me a letter?" It was a letter stating that the writer hadn't been able to speak to Kevin in person, but was just sharing a message with the friends in his area. You know, the typical field service approach. It went on how they were sharing Gods kingdom and spreading the message of of good news in 200 lands now. blah blah blah....you get the picture... No mention of who they were in the letter.
The lady that sent the letter signed her name, but the address enclosed was that of the kingdom hall....not hers. She made it look like it was her address...a little misleading. Kevin then tells me that there was a tract enclosed with wtbts on the back....thats how he knew it was the jws.
Kevin bent over to the coffee table and took the tract out of the envelope. Just as he pulled it from the envelope, one of the dogs (jack russels) came running by and jumped up and grabbed the tract right out of his hand. The other dog then joined in and they ripped it to shreds. It was hilarious!!! We all laughed like crazy, knowing for sure that this had to be a sign.
I did get to see a few pieces parts of the tract and it was for sure jws. They want to hear from Kevin if he is interested in discussing the bible.
I am assuming that they mail witnessed to him because he lives 1/2 mile off the road and has no trespassing signs up.
I have never seen anything like mail witnessing before....at least not from jws. Is this common? It even had a real stamp on it....no bulk mail. This would be a great way to get service time in without getting a door slammed in your face. I'm sure you could claim 15minutes for each letter you sent out. The time would really rack up and you wouldn't have to leave the couch unless someone showed interest.
Now,....what to do, what to do?
Kevin says that I am more than welcome to pretend to be him. Ohhhhh the thoughts running through my head. I'm thinking that since they had the nerve to witness this way, it makes them fair game for apostate fun. With them giving me time to prepare like this, it could be very interesting.
should I, shouldn't I, should I, shouldn't I........