What is the Great Pyramid?

by phil78 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • phil78

    I found this reference, but i have never ever heard it spoken about. What is this Great Pyramid? How did it effect the early witness doctrines? Are any still semi-mixed up with what witnesses believe? Or is it all crap?

    Russell's grounds for these beliefs was the usual mishmash of Biblical
    passages inherited from generations of free-lance interpretation in
    fundamentalist circles. However, he combined with this another mother lode
    of fruitless speculation that commanded much interest in America at this
    time. This was the curious superstition that pretends to find secret wisdom
    and prophecy hidden in the dimensions and structure of the Great Pyramid of
    Egypt. Readers may be familiar with one form of this superstition from the
    newspaper advertisements of the Rosacrucians, a sect which has no
    pretensions to the "Bible religion" of the Witnesses. Here Russell was
    influenced by a certain Charles Piazzi Smyth, who had already combined
    Biblical speculation with "pyramidology," finding references to the Great
    Pyramid in such passages as this: "In that day there will be an altar to the
    Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar to the Lord at its
    border. It will be a sign and a witness to the Lord of hosts in the land of
    Egypt..." (Isa. 19:1920). Russell's predictions were based equally on the
    Bible and the Great Pyramid.

    The original name of Russell's followers was Zion's Watchtower Tract
    Society, which was changed in 1896 to the Watchtower Bible and Tract
    Society. The name Jehovah's Witnesses was adopted in 1931 at the suggestion
    of Russell's successor, "Judge" J.F. Rutherford, who took it from such
    Biblical passages as Isaiah 43:12 and John 18:37, identifying the sect with
    those of whom the Bible had spoken. It was Rutherford, too, who rid the sect
    of the embarrassment of "pyramidology" after Russell's death in 1916. The
    Witnesses now claim to base themselves on the Bible alone, without reference
    to the Great Pyramid.

    Thanks - Phil

  • AlanF

    From its earliest days up through 1928, the Society used the idea that the Great Pyramid of Gizeh was "God's Great Stone Witness" to bolster its claims about Biblical chronology, such as using certain dimensions of the Pyramid to justify the 1914 chronology. This was a big deal, with Russell devoting a very long chapter in the 3rd volume of Studies in the Scriptures to it. Russell borrowed material not only from Piazzi Smyth, but from Joseph Seiss, an evangelical Lutheran minister who also promoted pyramidology. You can find a good deal of material on the Net by googling "pyramid smyth seiss" and such.

    : Are any still semi-mixed up with what witnesses believe?

    Not that I'm aware of. However, some Bible Student groups still subscribe to the notions.


  • DannyHaszard

    http://www.dannyhaszard.com/pyramids/pyramid.htm Everything presented here about PYRAMIDOLOGY I learned from my devout, 'old time' JW grandfather, Roger Haszard. He was an elder and special pioneer (missionary.]

    Bedtime stories about pastor Russell (the founder of Jehovah's Witnesses), and the great pyramid. All my cousins and siblings know this to be true.

    Christendom has their pagan Santa Claus, and the Watchtower has their spooky occult origins.... ....Wake up and smell the facts man.

    Undaunted Danny Haszard

  • hillbilly

    *waves at Danny

    Long time no see..haw ya doin'?


  • LongHairGal

    This is part of their past that they don't want anybody to know about. Once years ago I held in my very hands a book that had something about the pyramid. This book was in the possession of somebody's personal library. She thought nothing bad of it and how they changed their beliefs.

    What I don't get is: with the obvious pagan-ness of it all, how can they claim succession from the apostles? It seems they can just morph into anything they want and still claim this succession.

  • Gerard

    The great pyramid is located in Giza, Egypt:

    Look at Russel inspecting the Pyramid at http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/2919/russell.html

    Some "forgotten" materia to read: Copied from Quotes at http://quotes.watchtower.ca/pyramid.htm

    *** Thy Kingdom Come (© 1891) (1904 edition ? Millennial Dawn, vol 3) p.342 ***

    So, then, if we measure backward down the "First Ascending Passage" to its junction with the "Entrance Passage," we shall have a fixed date to mark upon the downward passage. This measure is 1542 inches, and indicates the year B.C. 1542, as the date at that point. Then measuring down the "Entrance Passage" from that point, to find the distance to the entrance of the "Pit," representing the great trouble and destruction with which this age is to close, when evil will be overthrown from power, we find it to be 3416 inches, symbolizing 3416 years from the above date, B.C. 1542. This calculation shows AD. 1874 as marking the beginning of the period of trouble; for 1542 years B.C. plus 1874 years AD. equals 3416 years. Thus the Pyramid witnesses that the close of 1874 was the chronological beginning of the time of trouble such as was not since there was a nation -- no, nor ever shall be afterward. And thus it will be noted that this "Witness" fully corroborates the Bible testimony on this subject...

    [Emphasis Added]

    *** Thy Kingdom Come (copyright 1891) (1910 edition -- Studies In The Scriptures, vol. 3) p.342 ***

    So, then, if we measure backward down the "First Ascending Passage" to its junction with the "Entrance Passage," we shall have a fixed date to mark upon the downward passage. This measure is 1542 inches, and indicates the year B.C. 1542, as the date at that point. Then measuring down the "Entrance Passage" from that point, to find the distance to the entrance of the "Pit," representing the great trouble and destruction with which this age is to close, when evil will be overthrown from power, we find it to be 3457 inches, symbolizing 3457 years from the above date, B.C. 1542. This calculation shows AD. 1915 as marking the beginning of the period of trouble; for 1542 years B.C. plus 1915 years AD. equals 3457 years. Thus the Pyramid witnesses that the close of 1914 will be the beginning of the time of trouble such as was not since there was a nation -- no, nor ever shall be afterward. And thus it will be noted that this "Witness" fully corroborates the' Bible testimony on this subject...

    [Emphasis Added]

    *** Thy Kingdom Come (SIS vIII) 1891 (1903 edition), p.313 ***

    "The Testimony of God's Stone Witness and Prophet, the Great Pyramid in Egypt"

    ...the Great Pyramid... seems in a remarkable manner to teach, in harmony with all the prophets, an outline of the plan of God, past, present, and future...

    [Emphasis Added]

    *** The Divine Plan of the Ages [Studies in the Scriptures vol I] 1886 (1908 edition) p.86 ***

    [Scan Available!]

    [Image of top stone on pyramid]

    Jesus, the perfect one, has been highly exalted, and now we present ourselves to him that we may be formed and shaped according to his example, and that we may be built up as a building of God. In an ordinary building there is no chief corner-stone; but in our building there is one chief corner-stone, the "top-stone,"...

    [Emphasis Added]

    *** The Divine Plan of the Ages [Studies in the Scriptures vol I] 1886 (1908 edition), FOLD OUT CHART ***

    [Scan Available!]

    [Online interactive version available at another website]


    Illustrating the Plan of God for bringing many sons to glory, and his purpose ?

    [Chart uses physical dimensions of Great Pyramid as basis of "the Plan of God".]

    [Emphasis Added]

    *** The Divine Plan of the Ages, [Studies in the Scriptures vol I] 1886 (1908 edition) end notes ***

    [Scan Available!]

    - We are now living in "the Time of the End" of this Gospel age?

    - Our epoch is "the Day of God's Preparation" for the Millennial age?

    - The "Days of Waiting" are ended and the "Cleansing of the Sanctuary" ? the Church, ? the separating of its Wheat and Tares, is now in progress?

    - This is the reason for the beginning of the Return of Divine Favor to Fleshly Israel ? blinded for centuries ? to permit the gathering of an elect class from among the Gentiles?

    - This favor is gradually taking shape and known as Zionism?

    - Immanuel's Kingdom is now in process of establishment?

    - The Great Pyramid in Egypt is a Witness to all these event of the ages and of our day -- testifying in symbols?

    - The Pyramid's downward passage under "A Draconis" symbolizes the course of Sin? Its First Ascending Passage symbolizes the Jewish age? Its grand Gallery symbolized the Gospel age? Its Upper Step symbolized the approaching period of tribulation and anarchy, "Judgments," upon Christendom? Its King's Chamber the Divine Nature, etc., of the Overcoming Church -- the Christ, Head and Body? Its Ante-Chamber the Correction in Righteousness of the "Great Company" etc.? Its Queen's Chamber those of Israel and the world who attain Restitution?

    All these interesting topics with ten Pyramid illustrations can be had in "Thy Kingdom Come" [Studies in the Scriptures vol III]

    [Emphasis Added]

    *** The Finished Mystery (Studies in The Scriptures VII) 1917, p.60) ***

    Morton Edger, author of Pyramid Passages, has found forsehown in the Great Pyramid of Egypt abundant evidence of the accuracy of the Bible chronology of Pastor Russell.

    [Emphasis Added]

    *** Watchtower 1922 June 15 p.187 ***

    In the passages of the Great Pyramid of Gizeh the agreement of one or two measurements with the present-truth chronology might seem accidental, but the correspondency of dozens of measurements proves that the same God designed both pyramid and plan...

    [Emphasis Added]

    *** Watchtower 1925 May 15 p.148 ***

    The great Pyramid of Egypt, standing as a silent and inanimated witness of the Lord, is a messenger; and its testimony speaks with great eloquence concerning the divine plan...

    [Emphasis Added]

    *** Watchtower 1928 November 15 p.341 ***

    If the pyramid is not mentioned in the Bible, then following its teachings is being led by vain philosophy and false science and not following after Christ.

    [Emphasis Added]

    *** Watchtower 1928 November 15 p.344 ***

    It is more reasonable to conclude that the great pyramid of Gizeh, as well as the other pyramids thereabout, also the sphinx, were built by the rulers of Egypt and under the directions of Satan the Devil... Then Satan put his knowledge in dead stone, which may be called Satans' Bible, and not God's stone witness...

    [Emphasis Added]

    *** Watchtower 1956 May 15 pp.297-8 The Great Pyramid of Giza ***

    The Great Pyramid of Giza
    Product of the true worship or the false?

    THE Great Pyramid of Giza is one of "the seven wonders of the ancient world." It is the largest of nine pyramids found in Giza, in the valley of the Nile. The Great Pyramid is 486 feet high, or about the height of a modern 40-story building, and each of its four sides is 764 feet long; its base covers thirteen acres. The ratio of its height to the perimeter of its base is the same as that of the radius of a circle to its circumference, a most remarkable feature according to some mathematicians and astronomers. Its four sides line up perfectly with the four directions of the compass.


    There has been much speculation as to the reason why these pyramids of Giza were built, and in particular why the Great Pyramid was built. [...]

    Because none of these theories fully and satisfactorily explain the purpose of building the Great Pyramid, others have developed the hypothesis that it was built under divine inspiration; that perhaps Melchizedek was its builder and that God provided it as a witness in stone to corroborate the Bible. Such men as John Taylor of London, Professor Smyth and Dr. Edgar of Scotland advocated the theory * that the measurements of the Great Pyramid and particularly the measurements of its internal passageways and chambers, were full of Scriptural meaning.

    What are the facts? Is the Great Pyramid truly a witness to Jehovah? Was it built by his true worshipers to corroborate the Bible, or was it built by the devotees of pagan religions?



    Jehovah God used some forty writers over a period of sixteen centuries to provide us with his Word. Is it reasonable to conclude that even before Moses began to write the Pentateuch God caused a massive structure to be built that was to corroborate his Word? Rather, is it not an insult to God to hold that he felt it necessary to corroborate his inspired Word by some mute edifice? And that its meaning should be hidden from man for several thousand years and revealed only at a time when the structure had been robbed of all its external beauty?

    Further, is it reasonable to hold that God would direct the construction of a building covering thirteen acres of ground, consisting of 90 million cubic feet of quarried stone, with stones as much as thirty feet long and estimated to weigh as much as 880 tons each, when all such work had to be done by slave labor? The very fact that the memory of the invading Shepherd kings who constructed these pyramids was so detested by the Egyptians for generations afterward would certainly put the building of the pyramids in the class of Pharaoh's building program rather than that of King Solomon.

    Besides, if the Great Pyramid were built at God's command should we not expect to find some reference to its construction in God's Word, the Bible? The Bible tells us of the building of Solomon's temple and that built under the direction of Governor Zerubbabel; also of the building of a water aqueduct by King Hezekiah, yes and also of the building of the tower of Babel, but not a word about any of the pyramids. Relevant to this argument also is the fact that none of the structures described in God's Word employ the design of a pyramid.

    The fact also cannot be gainsaid that none of the measurements given in the Great Pyramid throw light on the all-important issue of universal sovereignty or why God has permitted evil. Remarkable as some of its measurements seem to appear, it also cannot be denied that these have led to false hopes resulting in disappointments and none of them serve any purpose in magnifying the name of Jehovah and preaching "this good news of the kingdom," nor are those who put so much store by the Great Pyramid sharing in such preaching work. If there are facts about the Great Pyramid that cannot be explained solely on the basis of human wisdom, then in view of all the foregoing we have no alternative but to conclude that it must have been accomplished by means of demon power rather than by the active force of Jehovah God.



    Regardless of how interesting, fascinating or intriguing the mathematical, chronological and astronomical implications of the Great Pyramid of Egypt might be, they fade into insignificance when compared with the great work Jehovah is having done today by his altar in the midst of Egypt and his pillar at the border. What the people need today is not just an implied corroboration of Bible chronology but the truth regarding the great issue to be settled, Who rules supreme, Jehovah God or Satan the Devil? They need to see the clear line of demarcation that exists between God's organization and that of the Devil, and they must be shown the urgency of seeking Jehovah, righteousness and meekness before it is too late.?Zeph. 2:1-3.

    Since all the evidence points to the fact that the Great Pyramid was not constructed at God's direction, for Christians to take it seriously would be tantamount to going down to Egypt for help. (Isa. 31:1) Not by means of a pagan slave-labor-built pile of stone but by means of his Word, his organization and his active force, his holy spirit, Jehovah God is training his dedicated servants for the ministry.


    There remains but one question. Since it is clear that the Great Pyramid was not built at the direction of Jehovah, and since it appears that it was not built solely to serve as a tomb nor as a storehouse for treasure nor as a temple for pagan worship, can any satisfactory explanation be given of Cheops' motive for having it built?

    Yes, there is one theory that has much to recommend it and that is based on the prominence that the Great Pyramid gives to the sciences of mathematics and astronomy. It is known that in ancient times astronomy and astrology were considered as one. And from Scriptural and secular history it is apparent that the Chaldeans excelled in both. And it further appears that Cheops and those with him, who conquered Egypt with apparently so little effort, came from Chaldea. Therefore, in view of "the mysterious influence which astrologers ascribe to special numbers, figures, positions, and so forth, the care with which the Great Pyramid was so proportioned as to indicate particular astronomical and mathematical relations is at once explained."

    [...] we can find a justification for the building of the Great Pyramid, as a monument erected to astrology with the hope of discovering the fundamental secrets of life and all matter.?The Great Pyramid, R. A. Proctor.

    Thus, this most logical explanation of all as to the reasons underlying the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza would indicate that it certainly was not built by those engaging in the true worship of Jehovah God but by those devoted to astrology, a manifestation of Devil religion, and was built in furtherance of such religion.


    Bible Students also held to this thought prior to 1928.

    [Emphasis Added]

    *** Watchtower 1957 May 15 p.316 Appreciating Basic Christian Publications ***

    17 At a home Bible study you meet a person who has been told that the measurements of the Great Pyramid of Giza harmonize with Bible prophecy and that we should study it to learn God's purposes. You do not know what to say about this, but know that long ago it was discussed in the Society's publications. So you search back year by year through the volumes of The Watchtower until you come to the November 15 and December 1, 1928, issues. There you learn what is wrong with this idea and decide to present these points to your questioner: First, Egypt was a Devil-ruled pagan country, not a place for divine revelation; second, God does not accomplish his work through the type of slave labor that built the pyramids; third, Christians are told that they must live by faith, not by sight; and fourth, if the Christian congregation was to be taught by the measurements of this ancient pile of stone either Jesus or some of the apostles would have said something about it; and they did not. A briefer account of this is found in the May 15, 1956, issue of The Watchtower.

    [Emphasis Added]

    *** Watchtower April 15, 2002 "Two Pastors Who Appreciated Russell's Writings" ***

    In 1891, Charles Taze Russell, who did outstanding work among true Christian worshipers of Jehovah, visited Europe for the first time. According to some reports, during a stopover in Pinerolo, Italy, Russell met Professor Daniele Rivoire, a former pastor of a religious group called the Waldenses...In 1903, Rivoire translated Russell's book The Divine Plan of the Ages into Italian and had it printed at his own expense...In the book's forward, Rivoire wrote: "We place this first Italian edition under the Lord's protection. May he bless it so that, in spite of its imperfections, it may contribute to magnify his most holy name and encourage his Italian-speaking children to greater devotion. May the hearts of all those who, by reading this book, appreciate the depth of riches, wisdom, and knowledge of God's plan and love, be grateful to God himself, by whose grace publication of this work has been made possible.

    ...Another Waldensian pastor who esteemed Russell's publications was Giuseppe Banchetti...The authorized Italian edition of Russell's Divine Plan of the Ages was published in 1905. Bachetti wrote an enthusiastic review of the book..."For us", wrote Banchetti, Russell's book "is the most illuminated and sure guide that any Christian may find to undertake a profitable and blessed study of Holy Scripture...As soon as I read it, it seemed as though scales fell from my eyes, that the way to God was straighter and easier. Even apparent contradictions for the most part disappeared. Doctrines once difficult appeared simple and perfectly acceptable. Things hitherto incomprehensible became clear. The admirable plan of the world's salvation in Christ appeared before me with such awesome simplicity as to induce me to exclaim with the Apostle: O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God!

  • Buster

    Gerard, thanks for the '56 and '57 WT quotes. I'm not sure I ever read those before. The Great Pyramid is one of the best examples of the Watchtower's 'New Light' lunacy.

    - JWs cannot claim that new understanding was simply an 'adjustment.' In three years the WT's stance on the issue went from 'god-inspired' all the way to 'Satan's greatest deception.' That is a 180-degree turn. If they are right in one, they are absolutely wrong in the other.

    - The belief is put forth in the Watchtower mag rag. That pulp trash is the keeper of the doctine. They cannot claim that it is some side-topic in some world-events journal (they try that when someone challenges them on something printed in the Awake). And we all know Jehovah is the editor of the Watchtower.

    - I'ld be willing to bet this: If the WT could be goaded into publishing it's current stance, it would say that the pyramid construction was neither god- nor satan-led.

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