My Ex-Dub Dad gave me a Mother's Day Card!

by whyamihere 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • whyamihere

    My Dad who forgets everything even the spelling of my name sent me a Mother's Day Card!

    I almost cried thinking how as a child growing up and never having holiday's, birthday's, or any day that made you feel good. He has really gone out of his way.He sent the kids Valentine's Day, Easter, Birthday Cards. We had Thanksgiving and Christmas at his house. It is all so great.

    All that I have know from my Dad was this Funny Crazy guy that kept his feelings inside because of my Mother(still a Dub). They never had a good marriage and when they divorced my Dad left the JW religion. He said it never was for him and now he is finally happy with his new wife. It is still hard not seeing my parents together.

    Seeing my Dad and my children having moments like these makes it easier for me leaving!


  • kls

    Whyamihere ,that is good to hear and good for your dad

  • whyamihere

    Thanks Kls!

    I am really happy for my Dad! I am glad I have him and I always will.

    Brooke...(Daddy's Girl!)

  • hubert

    Brooke, Glad to hear your Dad finally came around for you.

    Our daughter actually called my wife on Mother's Day, to ask "How was her day"? We were surprised. She didn't mention Mother's Day, but we think she felt guilty about not doing anything for her Mom, as this was her first time to not be involved with Mother's Day activities.


  • whyamihere

    Hubert, I am glad your daughter called your wife up on Mother's Day. I bet it made her heart rejoice!

    I am going to give my Dad a father's day card! I can't wait for Father's Day. It will be my first Father's Day card and gift in my life. I know it will be his first too!


  • kwintestal

    Wow Brooke, you sound so excited! That's really great! It's amazing how those little things just become so much bigger when you haven't had them ... all you life!

    This was our first Mother's Day too. Our 7 yr old made Mrs. Kwin cereal and a big glass of milk for breakfast. She also hand made a card. It was a great day!


  • Es

    OHH thats so sweet im so happy for you es

  • love11

    Oh I'm glad for you! That is how a family should be- together and loving! That's great.

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