UN temporarily relocates to Brooklyn

by littlerockguy 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • littlerockguy
  • kittyeatzjdubs

    well well!!! is the Governing B.O. going to have a sleepover? i'm sure they'll end up with their noses in it somehow.

    luv, kitty

  • Honesty

    A major issue is working out where to hold the annual General Assembly debate, when world leaders descend on New York for several days.

    The Brooklyn space, part of a larger development in the borough, could fit the bill, Annan's report said.

    Hey Ted,

    Here's your Golden Opportunity to repair the WTBTS's strained relationship with the U.N. Rent out 125 Columbia Heights to them and still keep your tax-free status intact by claiming it was for a new library pass so your Writing Dept. can complete their research.

  • truth_about_the_truth
  • truth_about_the_truth

    Hmm..I found this interesting

    U.N. planners have found commercial space across the East River in Brooklyn that could serve as a temporary home while the United Nations' iconic glass-and-steel headquarters in Manhattan gets a long-overdue renovation, Secretary-General

    From what I know of the geography from working in bethel, the only commercial space suitable for that kind of thing across the East River in Brooklyn belongs to the WT. 360 Furman bldg.(sold recently), 25 Columbia hgts.

    As much as I would like for this to turn out to be a smoking gun, the WT couldn't be THAT stupid could they???

    Of course I could be wrong and there may be other commercial space that I dont know of.

  • DevonMcBride

    Keep on the lookout for any favorable article$ toward the UN in upcoming Awake! magazine$. Think of how much money they could make renting out thi$ $pace to them. There could be $ome "New Light" coming up very $oon.

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster
    Keep on the lookout for any favorable articles on the UN in upcoming Awake! magazines. Think of how much money they could make renting out this space to them. There could be some "New Light" coming up very soon.

    Oh boy! New light? I just can't wait! I better start attending the meetings again so I don't miss this special "spiritual food." I better bring a doggy bag so I can take some home.

  • Klaus Vollmer
    Klaus Vollmer

    Wow. That might be the first step for an unfriendly overtaking of the U.N. by the WTS.

    United Nations Watchtower Society INC.

    And the expanded Security Councel is granted by the Governing Body.

    Gerrit Losch stands then for Germany

    The flag arise,

    the rows tighly closed.

    UN does march

    in equal step and kick

    that is the Gerrit Losch song

    you can see the ngo thing has brought efforts to Brooklyn,

    the world likes it

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